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Posts posted by Matt

  1. echoing what others have just said, good luck to Dale and I hope they carry on this way. it's great to see another small club like us, Yeovil and Leyton Orient showing that we can compete with the big clubs in this league


    Watching Bournemouth right now and remembering when I watched them play in the fourth division along with the likes of Burnley, it can happen to anyone.

  2. We might have a 'fan on the board' but we're far from the other end of the spectrum to Leeds and Blackpool. If anything we're closer to their end than the other end...

    Very much so, the OAFC model is a privately run club working within a tight budget, hoping to strike it lucky sometime. It also presents the fans with a share that limits them to voice concerns about types of beer and asking for a smoking area - for what the fans put into the trust funds and the club. it doesn't offer much more than that.


    Before I get lept on, its works - however fans have to wait very patiently for it to work, and you have to put faith in the business acumen/integrity of the private owner.


    I'd say there's a group of fan owned clubs like Wimbledon, Pompey at the 'glitzy' end, teams like 1874 and Darlington almost starting from scratch at the other, with Wycombe and Exeter somewhere in-between. However I think there are a group of clubs that aren't fan owned yet have strong family-club supporting board members and chairmen that want the best for their clubs and will do their damnedest to make it work; Burnley immediately spring to mind - I think Oldham also fit into this category.

  3. But how many owners would have the bloke who represents the 3% make the majority of their board statements? Especially when there are 3 others, one of them the CEO, who don't say anything.


    You could argue that's the 'robust fan liaison', although it's more like you're being told about club affairs by your gaffer rather than a colleague.

  4. Haha, you think i like being run by elitist bastards who's forefathers are probably responsible for all the past atrociteis and lining their own pockets at the expense of those who could least afford it. Oh please.

    I put an opinion in, You know, like you do on threads on a message board.


    Pull the :censored:ing other one, you started the ad hominem on this thread - majority of opinions are all well and good as long as they don't involve personal comments.



    No, we are not counting and murdering is murdering whoever does it, You always seem to find an excuse for murdering bastards don't you Rummy? We know you hate the British and all that it stands for, even though you don't mind exploiting the benefits it brings. Hypocrite?


    :lol: Straw man argument, don't hate being British at all - what's hypocritical of being British, and denouncing or protesting against the wrongs that the Unions one-:censored:ing-percent (metaphorically speaking) bestow on the rest of us? Might get on the nerves of a few on here, I won't be too despondent about that. Who the :censored: is 'we' by the way?


    And I loved the London Olympics.



    I couldn't give a flying about any club, other than Latics.


    So why are you poking your clumsy oar in on a Rangers thread?

  6. Nothing Timmy just addressing a pro Celt bias on here, you've got more clubs than Tiger Woods so there's no hope for you but others might see the light yet

    Ha. Keep your hair on. Nobody batted an :censored:ing eyelid before you kicked off, and I don't follow Celtic - said that ages ago. Can't stand Rangers, mind



  7. FAO iamjonesyyoafc


    Tell NewBlue to remember his password betterer.


    I've unlocked it now.


    And send us a PM next time, or we'll chop your hands off.


    You've unlocked it? Did you fill out the AF13/BX-2007 request form and get it signed by Richard in accounts? HR will hear about this.

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