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Posts posted by Matt

  1. I can assure you that I have not cancelled any regular payments, and thanks for bringing to our attention.


    If you'd like to PM me with your real name, or the account that you are using - I can check our end to make sure everything is as it is.


    May I take this opportunity to again thank everyone for their continued support, it is very much appreciated.




  2. Watched this last night. If you like sci-fi, you'll like this. If you're a skeptic - you'll get it. I enjoyed it, it's worth two watches in my opinion, there are messages and metaphors that could possibly mean more with the second viewing. Or is that part of the film? If you're a skeptic you'll understand what I mean.


    no idea what a double pedant is called (Dave_Og possibly) but it is very definitely cloth rather than coat.


    It's both. The idiom is cut your coat according to your cloth it has been shortened or changed to simply cut your cloth accordingly - it can be either. The previous poster was correct, although maybe a little too pedantic.

  4. Should be jailed for being a thug 2nd punch could have blinded or killed him. Anyone who thinks that is acceptable wants to consider attitude to life and responsibility as pro sportsmen and role models. He followed threw a violent punch then continued. Rugby better than that being a tough player does not equal being a nutter.


    This is the thing, rugby isn't better than that. That is pretty much rugby - alpha bull:censored:, I love RL but I can't see how you can coach lads in a collision sport without training them to switch off the meek and humble button. Don't forget Hohaia isn't exactly Mr. Innocent in all of this either - that clip doesn't tell the whole picture, okay he didn't deserve that second shot, but I'd have give him the first one. If Flowers gets an assault charge I dread to think where the sport will end up.

  5. Yeah, if Flower had kept his cool they would have been walking away with the honours. I think the forearm hit by Hohaia and the first punch by Flower would have meant sin bin for the pair, however the second punch was correctly dealt with by the ref. I don't recall him bringing the captains together, probably thought against it being two minutes in - all 26 players' were so :censored:ing wired it was probably impossible to change the mood.

  6. Amen, brother. Milton Keynes had a ladies day last season. manicures and chocolate fountains and all that :censored:e. If Winkleman thinks it's a good idea it's almost certainly the work of the devil.


    *cringe* Really? Suppose that sums him up.


    Found it: http://www.mkdons.com/news/article/ladies-big-day-returns-1312187.aspx


    They even call their women's team MK Ladies. :censored:ing hell.




    Before anybody starts - there were stupid faults on both sides of the law, it was just a fifteen dollar road violation (passenger seat belt) for :censored:s sake - thing is, the police already pulled a firearm on him. Those kids are going to be messed up for a long, long time.


    'You're going to come out of the car one way or another. You want your kids to see you come out through the window?'

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