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Posts posted by Matt


    You just keep pulling the same old "I want Britain to be about British" bull:censored: seemingly from up your arse.


    You've zig-zagged from one collapsible argument based on poor reporting to the next,I refer you to the answer Z gave earlier.


    To be honest, the Mail wasn't the only :censored:rag to get it wrong this time.




    Fullfact have repeatedly told the Government that these claims are wrong, and it needs correcting.



    We haven’t been shy about pointing out this misunderstanding in the past, and have even asked the Office for National Statistics to include a note of explanation to accompany the figures to guard against this inaccuracy, so we hope that the mistake can be quickly and easily put right.


    ...and isn't that the same Anthony Browne (politco-banker) who is an advocate for the UK to join the European single currency?

  3. It was funnier when Jimmy Carr said it


    :censored:ing Yank comedians coming over here and stealing all our comedians jokes


    Stanhope did that as standup back in 2007 referencing Mexicans instead of whoever is the local culprit-du-jour - and Carr is about as funny as a kick in the Bolsheviks.

  4. Let's face it, we are an attractive proposition regarding jobs, The low pay here is still a lot more than in other less well off countries.

    I have worked with a few foreign migrants and that they have every right to come over here and find work The EU insisits they be treated like any other job applicants. and why not.I also think that it takes a brave person/s to upsticks leave behind their families and settle into a country that they may well have difficulty with language/ culture and someone to turn to when needed. I think potential employers see them as hungry to work and willing to put the extra hours in at minimum wage or there abouts, Where some brits think 38- hours is enough.

    The only down side i see to this is that some of these migrants bring their families children etc and would probably be entitled to working tax credits , I'm not sure that it is all that beneficial to the tax payer on the whole,that goes for british families too, It's a bit of a :censored: when both parents work up to 40 hours a week and yet they still need handouts. there is of course a fair amount of benefit abuse going on too.


    Fair points, the UK worker probably works longer then its continental counterpart...



  5. I think that you'll find in most cases they will instruct you to leave a decided area and not return to it for 24 hours (but it can be a maximum of 48hours) if you seen in that area within 24 hours it will be classed a breach and you will be arrested


    But human rights are observed with this law thou

    If you have to past through the area in the said time period for religious or health reasons you can't be arrested


    Edit** eduction and employment can be added to that aswell


    Fair enough about rights, although I stand by the fact that Police treat honest football fans as criminals before a face is even slashed.

  6. Have you read the Human Rights Act?


    I've read about half of it, but I get the general gist. Don't tell me. Does it turn into a Lee Child novel?


    Seriously though, I've never had to use it, although if I did I'd probably give it a more thorough read. For what it's worth.


    I assume you are familiar with section 27 where the Police can remove and hold someone for 48 hours without any offence being committed? No evidence needed, just on a 'feeling'. Where are the rights, or priveliges, of honest football fans being caught up in this nonsense are taken away.


    The reason for this legislation? Football hooligans. The simpletons who think its fun to smack other simpletons in the head at the expense of the game.

  7. And yet the old bill can can shove a video camera in your face all the game and because we are football supporters!!Human rights an all that :censored: go out window!!


    Section 27. Human rights don't exist, there are only privileges that can be taken away when the Police see fit.

  8. Looking on the bright side, if the ‘Yes’ voters are successful, Scotland will become the equivalent of the Republic of Ireland, in terms of TV and radio coverage, in which case Scotland will no longer be covered in road and traffic information, weather forecasts and football results. I must admit I’ll miss Carole ‘warm front’ Kirkwood!


    Yeah, never mind the class question, welfare, small time nationalism vs big unionism, currency, economics or NATO inclusion, check out the front on Carole.


    To get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you could always give these a visit. http://uaf.org.uk/ or http://socialistworker.co.uk/ or here http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/ :lol:


    Nobody quoted those sources, but looking at those sites I'm happy that the UAF are opposed to the EDL and support the Kick it Out campaign. Aren't you? Let's face it, we can't rely on UKIP to provide a tolerant, inclusive Britain.

  10. No one is saying it means :censored: all


    Good. I'm glad we've sorted that out.


    So we can both agree that neither of our sources are definitive as we have any figure from fifteen to seventy five percent.


    You can relax, mind - meddling Brussels eurocrats aren't going to take your kettle, Russia won't invade Scotland, although brace yourself for 'Scotch(sic), comeing over hear tacking ower jobs...'


    However, a Hadrian's wall rebuild could create jobs for the next ten-fifteen years, so there's that.

  11. I've just read that link again and it appears to me they are just going off what has been said by different people at different times and from there they have drawn up a conclusion... Hardly definitive is it?


    Yeah, the Commons Library Research paper means :censored: all.


    Four legs good. Two legs baaaad.

  12. She works for the governing body, I'm more incline to believe her than you or anybody else for that matter



    I'd be careful with that approach if I were you.


    The link above for Fullfact, read it - they are an independent outfit that factcheck politicians and media claims with the facts that are available to them.


    Based on Parliamentary studies the figure you quoted from UKIP/Viviane Reding (elected in Luxembourg) is a nonsense, however it could be anything from fifteen to fifty percent depending on how you massage the numbers. 24hrs also said that those laws even though they apply to Dear Old Blighty, they are not actually used or mean anything: like standardising the kilometre or what have you.


    I've seen what she's got to say, and I've fact checked it from what's available in the above links - and what she's saying is nonsense.


    I can't change the way you feel about things, but do yourself a favour and check the facts.

  13. As Blatter has brought this up again and it's going to get some media coverage, I was just wondering what the general take on it was?


    Personally I'm dead against it. I can deal with goal line as it's an absolute that is resolved instantly and isn't open to interpretation. But as for reviewing decisions in the middle of a match I can't see how it can work at all. I stand to be corrected, but I can't think of any other sport that uses video technology that can go for ages in between stoppages. Rugby only uses it for tries I believe when the play has already stopped.


    If this proposal goes ahead you could have a contentious penalty decision, then a few minutes of play carrying on, maybe even someone getting sent off for a professional foul, then when play stops we go back and review the penalty call. Replays are often inconclusive so there'd be a long stoppage whilst it was looked at umpteen times and then what'd happen to the red card if they went back and gave the penalty?


    Too much open to abuse and causing unnecessary stoppages. Be interesting to hear other people's take on it though. Or if there is a way of doing it that doesn't ruin the game.


    Like J said, depending on the circumstances in the Premiership it'd go to a short advert break while the officials sorted the challenge out, or maybe a Super League TRY / NO TRY situation to build anticipation. The thing I was thinking about is that the manager would have two opportunities to challenge the ref - one on each half without any punishment if the challenge was wrong and the rule on the field stood. In NFL the coaches lose a timeout in the half (a very useful commodity) if the challenge is unsuccessful, which is enough to stop the coaches from undermining the officials and making nuisance/statement challenges. I'd like to see something similar with the assoc.football version.


    It could work, if it is implemented correctly. The advertising and marketing agencies will be rubbing their hands, mind.

  14. http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=993


    If that's not giving a helping hand to foreigners then I don't know what is the daily mail have suggested how much these grants are actual for as the official site for these doesn't specify



    The sums don't add up, it looks like a very small pay back to firms. Also, when you say 'foreigners' you mean EU nationals who are entitled to work throughout Europe and do a fair days work for a fair days pay, as you are? Also if Britain has 800,000 jobs on offer and France 40,000 it looks like we have a healthy job market, albeit unskilled work and probably low-paid (and that's a different matter) - but work nonetheless.

  15. Another one who can't answer the question


    Listen im all for opposing something if there's a valid reason to oppose it but it's seems to me there isn't or hasn't been at any of these clubs


    It's not the 80s anymore.. The NF are at these games handing out right wing literature


    That's been answered. It's not the eighties, however there is still lots to be done.


    I do take your point and the rainbow flag doesn't offend me either but I'd feel a lot less comfortable having to explain to my four year old son why there's a picture of two men kissing up at the back of the Chaddy..


    Your four year old son isn't the one who is uncomfortable about it.


    I didn't have a problem explaining it to my sons.

  16. Did any of these clubs really have serious issues with racism and homophobia etc but these communist offended by everything types turned up with there Left Wing ideology and man love banners?


    Read the Daily Mail if you want to witness a slice of 'offended by anything types' - can't vouch for them all, but they're there - and considering that statement, I think fan pressure is still needed at a lot of clubs.

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