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Posts posted by Matt

  1. I don't about you but no-one is holding a gun to my head making me buy anything with a badge on.


    Clearly you don't have children. :wink:


    Anyways, the thing is Oldham fans are in it even if you they don't buy it, sign over the door says Sports Direct - if you think Sport Direct are handing over money just to be an postscript on the stadium moniker, then you are sadly mistaken.

  2. There are huge problems from top to bottom in how the English game is run...


    Rio Ferdinand has the figures: 700 3G pitches in the UK compared to 5000 in Germany - source(!) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/worldcup2014/article-2664577/Englands-World-Cup-exit-wake-call-fix-mess-rans-We-need-coaches-facilities.html


    Danny Mills has the UK at "1000 3G pitches behind Germany" - source http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26766742


    I don't trust either of the sources, anyone have anything more substantial?

  3. 140% or so bigger, based on those figures.


    Wasn't Nike's previous deal with United £23.5m/year, so they're now worth more than three times that, despite having their worst season in decades?


    I think it's the fact that United are in the worst shape for years and still raking in the the cash that is most depressing, the club is being sucked dry - as some have said elsewhere, it'll be interesting to see the bottom line at the end of the season. I don't think that Adidas money will be going back into the team.


    Corporate control at it's most abhorrent.

  4. It doesn't make any sense.


    @andersred is a good source of information on Glazernomics:


    The story so far: stacking up debt 2005-2010, paying down debt 2010-2012.....
    The 2005 takeover
    Manchester United was taken over in 2005 by the Glazer family of Tampa, Florida. The transaction was a "leveraged buyout" of Manchester United plc (which was at the time quoted on the London Stock Exchange). "Leveraged buyout" means that United was acquired largely with debt, debt secured primarily on the football club itself.
    The takeover was hugely controversial at the time it happened and was opposed not only by supporters but by the management of Manchester United plc itself.

    From the 2010 bond issue to the 2012 IPO
    Whilst Sir Alex Ferguson and his players have worked miracles on the pitch since 2005, financially the leveraged buyout has had a major impact on United. Ticket prices have risen very significantly, pricing many traditional supporters out, transfer budgets have been reduced to levels way below what a club of United's size and profitability should be able to afford, the new owners have failed to communicate properly with supporters and in January 2010 the £500m bond issue granted the Glazer family the right to take hundreds of millions of pounds out of the club in dividends in the next seven years.



    ...you can read the whole thing here:





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