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Posts posted by Matt


    Shows how ill informed you are then doesn't it. A franchise is a business operating under a licence granted by another. FC Utd of Manc who play in Red, White & Black are a spin off of Manchester United who play in Red, White & Black. While technically not a franchise - as I outlined above - because the former were not granted permission by the latter, they are in effect acting as such. Otherwise, they'd be called Moston Albion and play in Pink and Turquoise.


    I know FC isn't a franchise - you even said so yourself. What I will say is, if you can be bothered - find out why FC are called FC United of Manchester.

  2. People are delving into business that is quite frankly, none of their business. I think as fans, some demand too much.


    In this case, you are correct. Fans of OAFC do not have any input into how the club is run or managed, that's the way it is - I'll say it again, if you don't like it - buy the club and run it your way, start a fan owned co-operative in the NWCL, or take it on the chin. But don't start moaning like :censored: when you think something isn't right with the club, you can't change it. And for anybody in any doubt about Owen's position in all of this - because I thought there may be a glimmer of hope - in the recently released video he speaks like a company man, not like a fans representative on the board.

  3. As most of you know I am not the biggest Simon Corney fan and I have spent some money getting my hands on a few reports that are in the public domain, I would appreciate your time in reading some interesting things I have found out.....


    This is all factual information from either purchasing detailed company information (www.companysearchesmadesimple.com) or oldham.gov.uk


    Firstly - Oldham Athletic 2004 Association Football Club Limited


    At present OAFC has liabilities of over £6m, this has riszzzzzzz.....


  4. Still happens in non-league.


    ...and you can drink in the stands up to NPLPD level, at the clubs' discretion. On another note, I've been reading that 3G pitches are being installed at some non-league clubs, Maidstone, Stamford I think, probably many more - plus they are allowed to be used in the FA Cup next year.

  5. Why don't we allow our supporters to switch ends at half time?

    I remember this happening at away grounds in the 70's, Bootham Crescent particularly springs to mind.



    I remember my Dad taking me to watch Rochdale in the 70's and supporters swapped ends all the time - with most fans of both sides walking in a clockwise manner so we didn't mix, however I remember one game vs a local rival - I think it was Bury - and most of both teams men walked "through" each other and there was skin and hair flying


    I loved the 70's and 80's - however football has never been able to recover from the damage done during that period - to be fair, the sport has rarely been given the opportunity - the government has seen to that.

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