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Posts posted by Matt

  1. The Crawley game should have been a reduced price ticket match, not a reduced attendance match


    Oh, but twitter will disappear under a chavalanche of "JOKE CLUB!!!111!" tweets and it'll be the moan-du-jour for those who have already paid for a season ticket.


    Selfish fans are ruining the club as much as the misdirection of the board room.

  2. Actually, just had a look at that poll.


    158 votes.


    The home support against Rotherham was ridiculously low, something like 2600 home fans? So that vote would represent slighlty over 6% of that gate. Then factor in the amount of people who voted who don't even go to games, that would drop further.


    I don't think the views of 6% of fans (and that is being very generous) represents what the fans want.

    Democracy isn't as good when it kicks you up the arse.

  3. Also, what about the new stand - when this was being designed and planned for this was another opportunity for the fans to be engaged through the trust to canvas opinion on size, style, what should go in it. Again, I'm not saying that fans should have the deciding say but at least let them be heard - let the club present their vision and let the fans debate it with them in a proper meeting. And for those who can't attend meetings, there are plenty of other ways for the trust to connect with fans.



    I've changed my views on this over the years, however I think that everything to do with the facilities and the "fan-facing" elements of the club (stand design input, shirts, refreshments, pre-match entertainment etc) should be run past the supporters. Everything. After all, it's your club - something that will be handed down to young family members over time. Corney and the board of directors' decisions will echo throughout history long after they have gone. When Corney and his chums go, and they will go, will it still be the same club to you? Can the supporters put their hand on their hearts and say, "this is our club - we had a hand in this"?


    I hope that it never happens again, but if there ever are any problems, does Oldham have a Kris Stewart, an Andy Walsh, a Ken Malley?

  4. I tend to stay away from the trust discussions on here, but I totally agree with this Jorvik!


    Piss poor organisation on this one. Barry seems more than happy to respond to criticism and get involved in an argument with Rummy, yet when serious questions or suggestions are raised there's absolutely no response.


    Poor relations between the fans representative and the fans again, but what do we come to expect these days.


    No personal vendetta Barry, but it is clearly evident.


    Forget it. He's untouchable.


    Don't hide behind you keyboard and get up and bring that collective body of fans together to join the Trust.....



    Completely missed the point again; in a nutshell I was stating that by-and-large Oldham fans are happy with what they have - otherwise you'd be hounded out of your comfortable position. However, for the record - can I state that earlier this season (Chesterfield at BP) I set up a meeting with Corney to suggest radical fan involvement and match-day initiatives which could've meant a different angle for the Trust, out with the old - embrace the new. After some early dialogue with Corney (and I genuinely believed he wanted to see me) he went to ground and I've not heard from him since. I've moved on to new projects since, and now I couldn't give a :censored: where you end up.

  5. Isn't FC uniteds new stadium coming in at a total of £5million with ALL money all ready in? The stand that's up is the only decent size one and the rest standing as like Curzon ashton I believe.


    Our single stand is £4Million so I'd imagine it takes a little more work especially on the foundations etc.


    Although I agree it's taking far to long and I guess this points towards all the money not in place!


    One of the terraces is a refit of the mighty Dane Bank of Northwich Victoria.



  6. Your descriptive manner never ceases to amaze me Rummy. You get away with a lot of offensive and demeaning remarks on this site many a time without substance behind your arguments. Don't hide behind you keyboard and get up and bring that collective body of fans together to join the Trust and take over its affairs. My post has nothing to do with self promotion other than telling it as it is. My colleagues on the Trust are entitled to some praise for their effort with playershare in the early days and in the new set at present. Perhaps some helpers at the moment feel intimidated if they are associated with the Trust but I will not stand by and let the Trust officials who help with Playershare feel belittled by your and others comments.




    Christ, you're just making it worse

  7. With your comments in mind Rummy, I should remind you that I designed and introduced this scheme some years ago. Despite Underdogs thanks and her lack of endorsement towards the Trust efforts both past and present , like it or not Trust colleagues over the years have put a great deal into the scheme. Lees lover is perfectly right when he states that the money for Luke Beckett actually came from the Trust and it was a substancial amount


    I was going to let this pass without comment until a number of posters felt it appropriate to belittle the Trust and it efforts with

    Playershare. Likewise some of my colleagues on the Playershare committee appear to be reluctant to suggest a link between the bodies.


    It was felt a couple of years ago that Playershare should have more fans input and for some reason a number of fans felt it more appealing to do this type of work than join the Trusts "team". That has proved to be a fantastic move and I am proud to work alongside some great volunteers who are keen to work on the scheme to make it successful


    The simple fact remains that the Trust and Playershare have one common goal and that is the interests of our football club.


    You may not like a member of the Trust or the organisation generally but it unfair for me to let the occasion pass without the Trust being given some credit for Playershare work in the past and at present.




    You're on a junket, Barry. If the fans of Oldham Athletic had any sort of collective fight about them, you'd be out :censored:ing quick sharp.

  8. TIL that Rangers have taken at least one £1m short-term loan with Laxey Partners that's not only secured against assets - namely Edmiston House and Albion car park, the loan also has an interest rate of around 30%.


    Later, McCoist says that they'll never get out of the Championship without investment! Clueless bastards.

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