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Posts posted by Matt

  1. I wanna tell you I might as well do about a boy who can do anything his touch is golden he plays for oldham Korey smith korey smith korey smith


    Januzaj! Januzaj! Januzaj!


    And somebody else sings it too,


    I wanna tell you,

    about a man who

    scores goals just for fun so it seems,

    He plays for FC, his name is Tommy,

    Tommy Greaves, Tommy Greaves, Tommy Greaves...



    Dare say loads sing it now...

  2. Another scenario...


    Imagine Chris Birchall, who is white, and qualified to play for Trinidad and Tobago (A majority bl*ck country - I've put the asterix in incase it's racist to say bl*ck)...

    He and you would probably take it very well as you have never ever been subjected to the same intense racial discrimination a black person endures in their lifetime. That and your colour, presumably white, has not been restrained, oppressed, enslaved, or dehumanised by blacks for over 200 years.


    However the tone, direction and timing of your hypothetical chant is still racist.


    So, when can fans sing or chant Oooh Roger Palmer, when there are no black officials/players present? Or should we be looking to ban it altogether?


    By using Roger's chant for supposed other purposes rather than celebrating Roger (if he's knocking about at BP), or in a "medley" of other legend songs (when else would anybody want to sing it) it's created that problem, blame those who decided to make it so.



    I thought of the chant in terms as an historical appreciation of one of our legends, but where do you draw the line? there's probably a black player, person at every game. i suppose we should just refrain from singing it, Just in case there's some misunderstanding.

    Cringe indeed.


    Sing what you like, and to be fair - with only about three songs you have to take what you can get. However, there is no harm in a trust led initiative that can push to feature awareness in the programmes.





  5. We know that, stereotypically, Scousers are black-marked for their scams, and the accusation even stretches across the Mersey to Birkenhead, where fans of Tranmere Rovers are classed as 'bin dippers'.


    The name became more credible today when bottled beer on sale at Prenton Park was found to be dated Feb 2013. When pointed out, the bar in the away end of the ground was closed by the Police, with many disappointed Latics supporters.


    It beggars belief that this stock had been at the Club for twelves months, so it must have been brought in as 'condemned goods' and sold to maximise profit.


    It's yet another example of the :censored: treatment of football fans.

    :censored:ing hell, Hardy was scratching dates off bottles around 2001.

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