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Posts posted by Matt

  1. Great post that and pretty much echos where I am.


    OWTB used to be a great forum, but sadly it's gone the same way as the OAFC and JKL forums before it, so I'm only am occasional visitor these days. I've actually been a much happier supporter for my self imposed absence from OWTB as I'm nowhere near as angry and wound up as I used to be.


    You should try it.


    JKL, OAFC, Twitter, Facebook and this place are merely blank pieces of paper for which to write on, the constant value present throughout is the human - or rather their determination to reduce anything they touch to complete :censored:.

  2. Misspelled banners you say?


    Having only really seen the LEGNED shambles I'm assuming it's that. I don't know if there are any more instances, I would imagine so.


    Undoubtedly a train-wreck of an outfit, they're the club that keeps on giving.


    Not that I'm choosing sides or anything, they're just a :censored: load of laughs.

  3. Yes.


    I can't understand why those who run the forum, and have a potential legal liability for the content, wouldn't leave stuff like your post on.


    They've done you a big favour. Without evidence those posts were libellous. I'm gobsmacked they've allowed you to continue to post.

    Thanks O4u. You are correct; you don't have to be able to split the atom to understand.

  4. Indeed, many commentators (not Gord, Roy and Mike) believe our intelligence will devolve. "Stupid" people that cannot (won't) get a job tend to have 6 kids+ and pass their "stupid" genes on to lots of kids. The intelligent community are nerdy scientists stuck in labs, never procreation. The intelligent genes largely die out.


    There's a lot of guesswork and dictosim logical fallacies in all of that lot. By the same virtue couldn't stupid people will die out because they don't take vaccines, for instance?


    However, it's true that genes aren't that important for size, traits, intelligence etc - if it was, all Australians of European descent would be criminals.

  5. I often thought whilst being driven to me Sunday league game, eating bananas washed down with Red Bull and trying not to be sick out of the window, "what would really help would be another team on the pitch."

    I knew lads that would play out of their skin half shot, even some who had rum and coke in their "water" bottles. I only knew this after being slightly stunned whilst taking a dead ball swig from one bottle that had been strategically placed in my goal. Looking back now they were probably alcoholics but boy, what Sunday League generals they were.

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