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Posts posted by Matt

  1. It's always refreshing to see religious bigotry cloud one's opinion.

    We've been absolutely BRILLIANT this season.


    'Mon the Gers





    Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against Sevco The Rangers Football Club Ltd or their fans, 'but we are the people'? :censored:ing hell.


    I've witnessed the approach I mentioned above at a recent game, and the lads involved didn't know the personal consequences and they certainly didn't know the club could get fined. £5000 fine is something a non-league team can well do without. The chap who talked to the lads truly believed that he would get dogs abuse, but they listened took it all in. Time will tell I suppose.


    and I quote:


    Cheers ***** i was one of the lads you spoke to and I would like to thank you for approaching the matter in a friendly way unlike some of the muppets on this forum who think its good to attack young lads, we only want whats best for the club like most people. Whilst on the subject that pyro facts website is the biggest load of crap I have seen.
  3. Bollocks. Who on earth doesn't know they aren't meant to set fireworks off in a crowd? They do it because it's norty.


    I've witnessed the approach I mentioned above at a recent game, and the lads involved didn't know the personal consequences and they certainly didn't know the club could get fined. £5000 fine is something a non-league team can well do without. The chap who talked to the lads truly believed that he would get dogs abuse, but they listened took it all in. Time will tell I suppose.

  4. ....the tossers who let off flares is another thing! Do people not realise our club will get fined for it!!! Comlete and utter d**kheads!


    I'm firmly pro-pyro however I realise there are laws which forbid use. I would think that those people that let the smoke bombs off at this game do not know the implications of their actions, you should have told them - all they need is guidance and awareness, not name-calling.

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