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Posts posted by Matt


    But you're okay - because of your massive cock.


    So easy to misread that.


    No am not I know him really well


    And judging from his recent Facebook post he has read all this at some point today.

    And makes a cracking point about safe standing needs to be in the game none of this would of happened then.


    Well, it's a really interesting email address you've signed up with.

  2. never once stated we have a superiority, just didnt realize they'd have the commitment for someone to be constantly keeping a check on the site as I know how hard those that keep this site running work


    We? Perhaps I'm misreading the comments "Guiseley, they have a forum???...they only have average gates of 400" as contempt.

  3. if it's a fans forum... how many use it? they only have gates of about 400?


    I'm not sure I like your feeling of superiority over the fans of Guiseley, however they do have a fans forum and it looks quite well populated too. Clearly their numbers do not deter them from getting together to talk about their team.

  4. Rummy You decide what I meant and run with it! You tell me what you would like me to think say and type and best to conform to your site, I will tell you something though it would make for a very boring read.


    Conformity has nothing to do with it, Kyle. You can write whatever the :censored: you like (within reason) as long as you are able to debate the issue raised - and I telling you to believe what I want you to believe will not help you discover a rational opinion on this subject.

  5. I think people know the answer to their own questions now and I am treating them as hypothetical now, if they believe I am of the opinion that people with less cash are all bad then they have missed my point completely




    My other worry is that I like how football has priced a certain element out of the game



    ...you've said this twice to my knowledge, without any retraction. You are assuming that hooligans can't afford football, and in the UK hooligans only fight in football grounds and those who can't pay for premium tickets are "undesirable". Richard Littlecock has got :censored: all on this.

  6. I dont really have anything else to add to this now I feel I have described the term lesser desirables in the context it was meant and explained why I like the current make up of people attending games. Its safer and we can take family I fail to see why its invoked such a negative response clearly I didn't clarify my intent in my intial post but have done since.


    To summarise; those who pay less into a football match are undesirable, those who earn less and therefore not able to pay for premium football tickets would be classed as undesirable if they were able to purchase a ticket for premium games at a discounted rate. What you are saying is elitist social stratifying nonsense.

  7. Point proven I guess.


    Hardly. Clearly it wasn't a favourable response, however perhaps the individual didn't want to waste their time on you with a more detailed reply. Your correlation between ticket prices and "undesirables" is rubbish; please describe an "undesirable" or "types of people" as in the context of your post?

  8. Sheffield U also probably have a team of people (some clubs had 5+ people for video alone) where Latics have one or two (or less now?).


    Basically it's a case of getting what you pay for and Latics can't afford much better than what we have as there simply isn't the return on investment to justify it.


    Equipment is another matter entirely, however is it possible that all the clubs have the same tech due to the FL's involvement with club websites? Do clubs have a choice - can they opt-out of FLi? (edit: maybe not due to copyright issues) As for personnel, I've said it once and I've said it again, volunteers - in this day and age, if you want the service - you have to go and make it yourself. I suppose there is nothing stopping people volunteering their IT or media skills to the club to improve the experiences. There are clubs much lower than Oldham who do a better job, for free - thanks to the pulling and pooling together of fan resources and skills. I am aware that there may be some restrictions with selection and recruitment of volunteers...



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