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Posts posted by Matt

  1. Its another way for yobs to express themselves, they are mindless and don't care about anyone else.


    Your obsessiveness in wishing to seek out and brand all fans with the same name, then rush punitive sanctions on fellow supporters is wrong. Let's just take a step back here and exercise some sober context, there are fans and then there are the minority who wish to inflict harm on other fans - these people will find any way possible to bring misery and anguish to the rest of the footballing supporting family. There are a great deal of fans in the UK that use pyro to enhance the match day atmosphere (whether you think it does or doesn't is another matter, and frankly one I'm not really interested in), these fans are not out to intentionally injure or harm - but it is only a matter of time before someone else gets seriously hurt and we - that means all of us as fans - are back to square one with the government and the police. They are illegal and it needs to be stopped, but it won't get stopped if we don't work with the situation and help educate the fans involved. FACEPYROFACTS.CO.UK ran a survey on match going fans - it highlights that even though over 80% knew that football pyro is illegal, they actually thought they were not as dangerous as fireworks.


    FC fans are educating the kids on the terraces by actively engaging in discussions around the grounds, and inviting them to look at alternatives. The Droylsden kids the other night were just joining in the fun, they probably didn't know the impact of their actions - I can assure you that neither set of fans were yobs.

  2. This is one from FC United's match at Droylsden last week...mindless, it's got to be stamped out.






    I'm on that picture.


    The refs report from that game stated there was a delay due to the smoke - FC young 'uns clearly were letting smoke and flares off but so were the small Droylsden yoof in the corner. As it was on the report, it is on the FA agenda and we've been warned before although in the past FC had to been seen to be dealing with it - the boards view is as it always was, they're banned as they are illegal, and due to the £5k fine for each infringement it's something FC can well do without. I suppose if it wasn't illegal and was welcomed and encouraged, then no one would use them. Teenage logic.


    However the board are not the moral custodians of the clubs fan culture and the fans are now policing it in the stands. We've started looking for pyro-free alternatives to take into matches, and last Saturday vs Spartans was like a "training day" for ideas - as you can guess spontaneity usually offers the best results.


    EDIT: Droylsden; 50+ players this season, sad state of affairs.

  3. Can I remind those who wish to enter the official BBB14 event please start thinking about your teams.




    1. Each player must pick ten celebrities who they think are due a visit from the Grim Reaper. You can shuffle your pack as much as you want up to the start of the game then these picks are final. Once they are submitted after that time, that's it - no points are accrued before the start. Each member can choose a CAPTAIN, captaincy doubles POINTS! Only one captain per team, per year.


    2. Scoring is 100 - AGE = POINTS. Clearly those over 100 score minus.

    3. BONUS POINTS GAME ONE. Introducing the Prince Philip Championship Hurdle. Each player selects a date in 2014, nearest predicted date to the Dukes potential demise wins 25 bonus points.


    4. No kids. It's sick, but not that sick.


    5. Game time runs from 00:00 Jan 1st 2014 to 23.59 Dec 31st 2014. GMT.


    6. Each member has one team list post on this thread so we can all see the edit time stamps.


    Off you pop. So to speak.


    Oh, yes - anyone can join until the first death points are scored, after that you're always playing catch up and there's no real point in you joining. I'll probably ignore you anyway because I'm :censored: at making league tables.


    Anyone joining after 00:00 can play, but their scores will not be entered or recognised in the BBB14 league. It's not fair on those who have locked in teams.

  4. Okay - I've got some valuable info from a production that has an online presence and a printed version that get's out there two (three at most) times a season.


    Submissions could be published directly to the web version, however if we want to create a piece specifically for the printed version, do that email it to whomever is going to put it all together (I'll do it in the meantime if nobody wants to - or until somebody with more experience comes along) and state that's the case. This way the printed version is exclusive and worth a purchase - we could still put the best of the web in there too, that option is certainly not closed. The next steps are to create a network I suppose, those who have already expressed an interest - how would you like to go about this?


    BTW, I think I may have an interesting interview lined up with a certain chairman, but nothing is confirmed yet - hope both he and I can get the time to do it.

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