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Posts posted by Matt

  1. Thanks to all who have expressed the urge to contribute - already there's some diversity, the next step is something we have to think hard about. This isn't going to be an overnight thing, and if we get an issue out this season it'll be a miracle.


    No editorial agenda but am I right in thinking that you'll take on another task of compiling and editing where appropriate? if so, power to your elbow.


    Someone will have to put it all together, if somebody else wants to do it - that's fine with me, I'm happy just getting the ball rolling although I can contribute articles from time to time too. The editorial will probably work itself out due to the number of articles submitted - I'm thinking that all submitted will be published.


    Good idea. All I would say is avoid a blog version or you will never sell any.


    Depends, I think there is room for an online base for the publication where we could run old articles, odd paragraphs and notes, poetry. photographs or videos etc. Online sales in pdf form may be an idea too.


    I like the idea of the photo casebook.

    I would try and stay clear of a few things.
    Being too serious
    Non latics / football content.

    A fanzine should have opinions, yes - but it needs to be in the main lighthearted.
    We don't have a big fanbase, the reason the fanzine would be read would be for the latics based content.


    My idea is that it can be light-hearted and interesting too, I would certainly like to read about old pubs in the area, and articles about the town in years gone by - there will always something to write about when OAFC is concerned, but 10 different versions of an away trip could get tedious. There is more going on in the borough that you should be proud of, football will be a part of the publication, but there is so much we can do with it. As I said in my opening gambit, the opinions of the fanzine will be that of it's cooperative, if somebody reads an article about - I don't know - a closure of a public service, or the decision to sell a top player - it'll draw in an opposite opinion from somewhere and it's would be interesting to see a counter opinion written in the next issue. The fanzine would not have it's own direction or opinion.


    I've seen fanzines created and maintained with half the match-going fanbase that OAFC have, there is no reason why it couldn't shift several hundred units and sustain that over the course of its life.


    Working at the college, we have excellent repro facilities so I could get these printed even in colour, depending on the Quantity, maybe for free......


    Keep me in the loop


    Interesting, thanks for this - let's see how it goes. It'll be as cheap as possible with a colour front fold and about twenty A4 inside for the 30-40 odd pager - three, four times a season.


    I'd like to hear from Paul P, Tony C and Terry too, I'd like it if you were a part of this - you have a lot to offer.

  2. Hello,


    I certainly think this isn't the first time this issue has arisen, however it would be very interesting to see if there is a genuine response for such a thing. How about this, we have a single fanzine or blog uniting the writers with the aim of producing a tangible fanzine maybe 3 or 4 times a season - with all the profits (after manufacture costs - which wouldn't be much for a monochrome 30-40 pager) going to playershare. It'd be an editorless production, a loose co-operative of contributors who all have their own opinions - the caveat being if you disagree with the opinions, then write a counter article for the rag in the next issue.


    As stated above, the project would be a writer’s co-operative. There is no editor dictating an agenda. There is no media company hiding in the background ensuring that the interests of advertisers are put before those of the reader, although I'm sure we wouldn't be against local businesses getting in on the act as long as it doesn't overpower the 'feeling'. This is an open forum for writers to express their views. If you’re writing is in keeping with the broad principles of how a fanzine should be then you are welcome to send stuff in, and it would be a pleasure to try and publish it although I haven't got that far yet - we'll cross that bridge and all that. We have it on good authority that being sued and losing your house to someone with a grudge is no fun so anything libellous, racist or offensive might come back to you with a polite message attached.


    Music, food, clothes, football, pubs, buildings, other football teams, politics, it really is open to write whatever you want. I'm looking at certain individuals to come forward, I'd like to offer an invitation to all local literary folk, I think you know who you are, let's get something going.




  3. The reason I've posted it here is to get more exposure on the crew so that more people see and join


    Not good enough reason. Birds of a feather flock about in the Taproom - those who are in the know, know - y'know?


    In Huddersfield just a few miles over the hill from Oldham. They just had a stadium record crowd. That was a for a RL fixture. More than any other game at that stadium.


    That would suggest there is a lot of interest in the area.


    RL doesn't get the coverage in the press Union does because the people who write the papers are in the south as are most of the people who buy the papors. Rugby League is in the North, Lancashire and Yorkshire primarily.


    Oldham is in Lancashire (conurbation act yada yada yada) Bradford is in Yorkshire. It is a small sport, it is however big in these areas. Our areas


    When you are making as little money as we are, a few people staying at home to watch a game (it is live on BBC so everyone can watch it) Or even going to the game which is only a few miles a way. Would hit us hard. Our Margins are paper thin. 300 off a crowd could hurt us.


    Also the club might be hoping a few neutrals could turn up for something to do on a Sunday.


    There was also an RL attendance record at Spotland - a little under 9,000.

  5. It's clearly not about football, or at the very least not in the best interests of the sport. Sky make about £50 a month (£600yr) from each customer: there's 11m customers (of which 7m are sports subscribers) in the UK which is about £6.6bn a year - BT wants some of the action. Sky pay £760m a year for live Prem League rights and earn about £300m a year selling licenses to pubs & clubs (20,000 paying an avg of £15k yr each, according to their own trade association) even before a single home subscription is sold. BT fancy a piece of that.


    My interpretation of BT's move is that it wants a slice of the subs and by hacking away at the legs of Sky's sporting portfolio, it'll get that - a staw poll conducted yesterday suggested that 60% of Sky subscribers would drop their packages if they lost the Premier League rights; it's just all bad news for Sky - it should be good news for the consumer, but I doubt it.

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