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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. A supporter! That’s who. You don’t think Hamer, Hunt, Gerrard, Placide, Gardner, edmundson deserved a round of applause. Then you know fuck all. Some of those kids at the back deserved a standing ovation. It was all on RW this tonight. Got it wrong yet again! FFS some of our fans.
  2. Bullshit. Andrew did what he was doing all night and barged into him, knocking it out of his hands.
  3. Started ok. Lost our shape. Keep the ball ffs!
  4. Is that narcissistic scumbag Henderson available if they have lodged a ridiculously frivolous red card appeal? That would be very annoying. Clear red, but in their interests to lodge an appeal if it means he doesn’t miss possibly THE most important game they have left.
  5. Technically... City win the league at Old Trafford! ”not in my lifetime”. Ha. United are a mess. They are turning in to the new Liverpool.
  6. No. Just drawing both of those would probably be fine. They are against relegation rivals away. It’s our home games we MUST get a win or two from. I’ve renewed. The division we are in is irrelevant, as it should be for every season ticket holder.
  7. Maybe. But this is the most recent and was easily avoided. The game was won.
  8. If Moimbe threw a punch then he is a villain of the highest order. He could cost us league 1 with that mindless stupidity.
  9. If the ref wasn’t a totally inept ref we would have won. Fact.
  10. Byrne is an enigma. The odd sublime pass amongst a sea of shit passing (to nobody) and zero effort.
  11. Shut up. We have just been dicked by a ref and you want to gloat with glee about us being in the shit!!?? Unreal.
  12. Gardner and Byrne frustrated the hell out of me tonight. So many wayward balls. We came so close to scoring twice.... but close ain’t good enough. 3 points essential on Saturday.
  13. He did. I was wondering why I kept seeing him knocking about recently tbh.
  14. Far too simplistic and discounting those on 47 now is ludicrous.
  15. Good point. God day for us all in all. COYB!
  16. Done OG. Ha. Soul destroying for Dale that. In the lead 3 times. Now they have Wigan on Tuesday...
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