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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. V good. Repainting that scruffy Chaddy Roof and sorting out a sign for the Frizz stand on the roof front, where the unpainted eyesore boarding is, should for sure be a priority. Just looks horrendous and tin pot. These things do matter, despite what some think.
  2. I’m not arguing. I’m just saying defence isn’t a strong point of most lower teams for obvious reasons. As to goals against killing us... it’s certainly not helping, but 3 teams below have a worse goal difference so if our defence is killing us then their attack is killing them. Which is a worse situation... I don’t know?
  3. How does that contradict what I just said? i.e. There is scant evidence that any team in the bottom half can defend. Scant isn’t definitive.
  4. Like all the other teams in the bottom half...
  5. Bloody brillant in North Stand today. Clear as a bell. It was a whole new experience.
  6. Whole team pretty poor, but McLaughlin and Gardner today.... !*%## Byrne mom!? Are you sure?
  7. Absolutely ridiculous! Can someone tell them to turn down the tannoy in the North Stand please!! ?
  8. In that case I’ll change it from mindless post to pointless post. Anyhow. Game on.
  9. So there is no chance that this pic is either as they were being laid or removed? What a mindless post. Edit. See my post below... they have worked!
  10. Sure is. Pogba massive influence since he came on. Midas touch in reverse.
  11. Actually Blackpool still going on. 45+13 so far. Two opposing players taken off at 26 mins, presumably very bad injuries.
  12. And to a woeful MK team... hopefully they can nick one back.
  13. HT All 0-0 except for Franchise who are currently beating Rotherham 2-1
  14. So tonight’s games are all of interest: Blackpool v Charlton Bury v Posh MK v Rotherham Dale v Southend 4 home defeats please (unlikely).
  15. Dunno. Scousers have lower expectations? Anyhow.... You wont be....
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