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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Frankly, they deserve a points deduction for the chaos they’ve caused.
  2. Hopefully. I’d rather it slips to March. We will be full strength by then.
  3. 27th Feb. They have no fixture that day, first available Tuesday for them and plenty of other League 1 fixtures that night. They have Wigan on the Saturday before and we have Southend at home.
  4. Suits us. Their season is becoming a long suicide note. FA cup and postponed fixtures, due to that horrendous pitch, will spell relegation. They have a LOT of fixtures to fit in.
  5. Lay a new pitch on top of sand in January.... what else is going to happen? Idiots.
  6. that would be ridiculous for both parties.
  7. Really struggling. Proper tickle. I’ll get a drink of water. (Well, you did ask pal)
  8. Oh for god sake. The point was plenty on here say the foreigners are no good for no other reason than they are foreign. It’s bullshit.
  9. I didn’t say all foreigners are better than us. I said foreigners are better than us.
  10. True. But some people on this forum have a habit of dismissing foreign players simply because they are foreign. Which is ironic given ‘foreigners’ are better at football than us.
  11. Too fragile for forums. Someone calls you out so you run off downvoting all over the place. Bit childish.
  12. Centre back. Put Bryan in front of them?
  13. It was a rhetorical question. It was clearly your summary of him. Thanks.
  14. Are you sure it isn’t the first game you’ve been to in your life? Pretty clueless summary.
  15. Sell him to them in the summer for a fee. Don’t want him back.
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