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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Not sure the inclusion of "that" by me matters. It was the "I" that was important.
  2. ...and yet he let him have a go at the 2 or 3 step-up players Wellen's mentioned? You don't let up do you. Give the guy a chance.
  3. Yes, as we descend the Grane Road toward Darwen you enter..... the failure zone.
  4. Yes, it is a bit worrying. It is beginning to look like its never his fault... I'm trying to remember if he has ever really taken any of the blame in a post match interview. I know he has called put players plenty of time, individually and as a group. Getting worried.
  5. I said our form drop coincided with his arrival, it did. We now have new data, it has continued since he left. So we can probably rule out Jewell as an influence for good or bad. RW is the constant. The players can do it... how do YOU explain the massive change in fortunes? If RW cant sort this with the players he has then he isn't good enough. So yes, I will blame him. So will AL... and he will be gone.
  6. FFS. This signing is becoming a farce. RW was raving about him but he cant stay fit!
  7. I am reluctantly having to give this a miss.
  8. Yep. Same team had great results and abysmal results. So they can do it... but they aren't. why?
  9. Yes, HE missed out. See my post above. Funds were clearly available if we are going after the likes of Cole. HE has a job to do.... he needs to get better at it.
  10. He said "I didn't get that one done". Quite an important part of the first quote. This is more about his skills at attracting players and the current position of the club than anything imo. People seem to want to blame the new owner already and I just don't seed that if we were going for Mills and Cole. RW needs to improve both off and on the filed. Rapidly.
  11. All will be available. The squad is as good, if not better, than when we had the run of results. The dramatic change in results is alarming and not purely down to the players available imo. It cant be.
  12. I think its more that RW needs to work it out. He has the players to sort it, so sort it he must. Not liking this blame culture he seems to be adopting.
  13. Hang on. I'm puzzled. Are you saying the team and players available is worse than when he had the run of results?
  14. Slightly selective there. Its was clearly a joint effort trying to sign these other higher profile players. RW and AL. They have to want to come too you know and perhaps being near the arse of the table and having a rookie manager wasn't helpful. RW has raved about McEleney and Pringle and he has other new players too. So by his own admission he has a team of players better than when he had the amazing run of results... so what exactly is the problem?
  15. All in here: https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1563&bih=909&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=7PpyWpGtN6TMgAbZ2qj4Ag&q=oldham+athletic+crest&oq=oldham+athletic+crest&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.342289.343160.0.343440.
  16. Our league position cant help. We need to stay up and then AL and RW can have a better go at higher profile signings.
  17. Yes. You’re all guessing and, in grand OWTB style, thinking the worst.
  18. Byrne, Bryan and (probably) Doyle are returning.... this means we have the same team that performed so admirably earlier in the season. The additions of others, like McEleney, improve our options further in my opinion. Not sure any begging was required.
  19. And it’s not unusual in football. I’d say it’s now the norm at the highest level other than under the clubs with super-managers.
  20. £19 per month I think and yes you get free parking on match days by permit.... funny isn’t it?
  21. That was available before the game, it’s even posted on here somewhere I think. It’s more the actual moments of, for example, the tribute to Jimmy Frizz. Couldn’t hear anything, didn’t know if it was applause or silence, no idea who was there, what was said or anything at all really. Pretty disgraceful. Perhaps we should all bombard them with emails, tweets etc.
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