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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. duplicate post. Got excited. I hope its true. very decent midfield if so.
  2. Sure is way off. The average UK full time pay is only 27k today let alone 15 years ago.
  3. ....and then Latics averaged 15k fans at each home game and the premier league had full grounds every week.
  4. You don’t see the irony in what you are both saying? If it’s a minority of fans mouthing off on twitter then why don’t they just not be so delicate about it? If it’s a minority then why don’t they just ignore them? If it’s a minority why does it matter? If it’s a minority rise above it. Rather than calling them weapons and belittling the ‘career’ of a Tesco worker. The groundsman just wanted to show he was ‘mates’ with a pro footballer and one of them, but just came over as a bit of a brainless pillock.
  5. Possibly. However, the response from the groundsman is bang out of order.
  6. Wow. Just had a read. Not brilliant by the groundsman either..... he goes too far. Should get a bollocking. No good saying “my views are my own”. If a Tesco store manager or employee said customers were “weapons always moaning”, guess what... he’d get fired. I’m not saying the groundsman should get fired but he needs to refrain from slagging off his paying customers.
  7. Which isn’t what I said. I said that I (me, I’m referring to me) support Latics more than I want to send a message. You could support Latics more than me and still believe boycotting is very important, that’s your choice and I respect it. Not difficult to understand unless you are feeling defensive.
  8. I see you downvoted me. I am quite happy for you to boycott, that is your choice, but you aren’t happy for me to go. I guess that’s how it is now with certain sections of society. “Freedom of expression so long as you agree with me!”
  9. Living 350 miles away and giving money to the club for ifollow instead of listening on the radio is screwing them over? Ok then.
  10. Nixon: Villa young centre half Easah Suliman due to go out on loan. Oldham first in queue. Bit in paper.
  11. I’ll be there and I’ll also be at Wembley*. Because I support Latics more than I want to give the EFL a “message”. *in the unlikely event we get that far.
  12. Wellens fuming on ifollow. He clearly does not rate the forwards.
  13. Agreed. Really need a goal scorer. (You said Hanson would be good for us. Bury fans slagging him off already (and Clarke by the way))
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