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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Everyone connected with the club says nowt.... And I mean everyone.
  2. He knew/knows the situation. He was here prior to taking the job. He has the Dunn Sheridan demeanour recently because we can’t win a game and it hurts him.
  3. Where does it say that? It’s not “apparent”, it’s a guess.
  4. Out of the game for quite a while. Well publicised personal issues. Absolute collapse in form and change of style since he turned up. Wigan. What else do you need? ?
  5. wouldn't surprise me either. Doesn’t alter the fact I’m glad he’s gone.
  6. I doubt a single supporter will be sorry to see him go.
  7. His 5 year contract and extended contracts to players just not doing it may have undone that at a stroke.
  8. They did. But it’s fucked already. Dale have made some terrible financial decisions recently. Hogan cash burned already by all accounts.
  9. Because two of them aren’t getting any games and aren’t in demand. Byrne is highly in demand and has been a constant, so going to Bury (certain relegation) or Dale (probable relegation and an absolute dog of a pitch more suited to war games than football) would be curious.
  10. Cerainly a significant improvement on Green, Fane and Flynn.
  11. Not been paying attention. So what’s the crack with Clarke. Less than half way through a 2 1/2 year contract isn’t he? Cancelling the contract or a small fee from Bury (who have no money) ?
  12. Wow. Drama. on topic Well, McEleney obviously... and McLaughlin. Perhaps the Belgian needs a try?
  13. Sorry. I meant to put “prove”, I was distracted...
  14. Wellens: “Ossie an example to all the other players, totally committed, always gives 100%” ”Want to bring in 3 or 4” ”Cant wait to get McEleney on the pitch”
  15. I don’t rate Gardner actually as I’ve mentioned numerous times. I’m talking about the fact that there will be 3 or 4 new faces. To say we are doomed with this team ignores the obvious fact that we are about to enter a transfer window and will have new players in.
  16. Of course it will. The more myopic and unimaginative here won’t see that. They’ll just continue spouting the same old negative nonsense.
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