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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Because you have to address rumours. Imagine the shite we would reading without the little detail we have.
  2. Some massively naive people in this thread. A business deal is a private matter that will take as long as it takes. Stop being so entitled.
  3. If only we’d have got the results we actually deserved against Wimbledon and Gillingham. Those 4 points could prove costly. We’d be 9th now.
  4. I love the fella, but we won’t miss him. Been far more solid since he was dropped.
  5. Going where? I cant imagine he is in that much demand at our level, certainly not any higher. More likely to drop a league.
  6. Is there anyone who still thinks Fane shouldn’t be in the team?
  7. Mark Moisley said some of the stuff said was way overblown. Inclined to believe him rather than some of the shite I read on here.
  8. Omrani was born on the French German border.... he’ll love it.,
  9. That’s from Saturday afternoon to Sunday. Don’t think much is forecast before kick off.
  10. I thnk 8 is a “hell of a lot”. 7 is a “heck of a lot”. 6 is “a lot”. 5 is “quite a few”. 4 is “a few”. 3 is “2 or 3”. 2 is “a couple” and 1 is “some bloke”.
  11. https://twitter.com/RyanMcL2/status/939119539677253633
  12. Leicester who played a team full of mega money players in the last round.... great.
  13. So it was regionalised? Northern: Oldham v Leicester Rochdale v Lincoln City Bury v Fleetwood Town Shrewsbury v Blackpool Southern: Yeovil v Forest Green Rovers Chelsea v Portsmouth Charlton v Oxford Luton v Posh
  14. Snow on the ground where I am with more to come, temperatures not going above 1. Those covers been on? Snow also forecast for match time.
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