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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. The whole team fell apart in that game. You might want to blame him for that. I wont. Looks decent from me from what I have seen. Strong, neat touch and gets his head up... as shown by the third goal.
  2. Seems a bit harsh when 2 keepers are called up. Should be enough on its own.
  3. What’s the rule on postponements? 2 goalkeepers away on international duty (well, one keeper and Ruddy)
  4. Not Shez. Didn’t “fancy him”. “Not 1st choice”
  5. Nope. Just someone who can spot a decent player when I see one. So either Shez has lost it or was being a stubborn fool.
  6. Thank god for the influx of foreign players. All look pretty good to me. If Menig is another then we really have picked up some useful players.
  7. Rubbish. Different players on the pitch made the difference.
  8. More fool you pal. Missed the debut of Placeeeeeeeeed
  9. That double save was fucking world class!
  10. People are being too harsh on the 2 goals against tonight. One was a pen the other deep in injury time when 10 men had worked their bolocks off for 40 minutes. That said, Placide prevented at least 2 stick on goals.
  11. So... these foreigners... Bit good aren’t they. What the actual fuck was Shez thinking on the goalkeeping front? 1st goal and 3rd goal from a touch of class from Neopmuceno and Omrani. Fane brilliant. Doyle brilliant. Placide!!! Jesus Christ.
  12. Their 3 is causing us problems. Other than that, under control.
  13. We haven’t seen Queensy at all really, so impossible to say good OR bad. Nepomuceno would work perfectly well in a 442, or a front 3. He can certainly deliver a very decent cross and has some nice touches.
  14. Paul seems incapable of understanding what resignation means.
  15. First call blaming too many players again. only one of these players he apparently didn’t want (but did sanction by all accounts) has been playing! The players playing are the ones he signed!
  16. I think people are giving too much credit to some individuals Machiavellian abilities. I seriously doubt Shez is the kind of man to agree to do a fake interview as part of a settlement. I also love how Chaddysmoker follows me around down voting me. He obviously hasn’t twigged that I’ve ignored him. I don’t see his posts. I won’t see his response to this either. Bliss.
  17. 4 points from the last 48 available (including the last 3 games of last season). 4 points from 12 games. No club would sit with that. Nobody can say this is a knee jerk decision. Clearly it is a mutual decision too. The interview confirms that, he wouldn't do that interview if he felt hard done to.
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