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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Surely nobody believes in Owen Coyle any more!?
  2. You've said you aren't going. Fair enough, your choice. You don't need to justify it. We heard you the first time.
  3. If you like. It would have been a terrible attendance tomorrow anyway. I'll be going.... Looking forward to it, as I always do. I support Oldham Athletic you see. Not Sheridan, not Royle, not Ritchie and not Corney..... Oldham Athletic. The same people wanting Corney out now don't want him to sell to anyone other than someone they personally choose and vet. He literally would never be able to win with you lot. Entitled bunch.
  4. !!??£$%^&^%!!! No Steve's thanks. That includes Evans and Eyres.
  5. Surely you play to your strengths. If your players don’t suit 3 then don’t play 3. That’s the managers only job ffs.
  6. Thats a fair post, because it doesn’t just blame new players. The left wing back, getting slaughtered by some on here, played in both games and there is a very decent player in there. We def got it right at Fleetwood, I was there and thought we were the better team by far. Shrewsbury, we were unlucky. So why oh why did Shez set up that way yesterday and persist with it all afternoon??
  7. Worrying isn’t it. Not trying to get the sack... in which case he is getting it wrong despite trying to do his best. Tactics are badly wrong most weeks.
  8. Yep. Basics. Sheridan and Wright to blame on this one 100%. Not their fault though. They’ve been distracted by having extra players walking around Boundary Park.
  9. Dammit. Came in hoping to read a balanced and sensible view from people who know football. Ah well...
  10. ... except of course they didn’t play in the previous defensively shambolic games. No, they aren’t the common denominator in these performances.
  11. I repeat. Did you watch the game? If you did then you wouldn’t say that unless you have an agenda. Which of course you always have.
  12. That simple. Pathetic reply. Did you watch the game?
  13. No post match interview yet.... or have i missed it?
  14. Corney has no blame in this whatsoever. Zero. Gerrsrd has to be dropped for sure though. Clarke is not going to be dropped, but as you say they simply can’t play together.
  15. I don’t smoke. I didn’t say it was good for the team. It’s not bad for the team either though. Why would it matter to them? Who do do you blame for this ‘farce’?
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