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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Great goal, good game. More evidence of Steve Eyre being a clueless charlatan.
  2. I'm much more optimistic after that. Decent performance. We deserved at the very least a point and let's be honest we would have taken that before kick off. Fans were great again apart from the absolute bell end in the standing section, near the seated end, having a pop at Holloway for talking to a Fleetwood player while warming up. You stupid old fool!
  3. Right, I'll watch the first half of Citeh v Liverpool then we'll set off. We really could do with at least a point. COYB!
  4. Isn't the ignore option on this site liberating.
  5. Yep. Can't do any harm can it. Did you know some losers sign petitions to government on a regular basis for pathetic things like stopping world leaders getting off a plane in the UK. Now that's really weird. Utterly futile.
  6. I sent an email on Sunday to the EFL complaining and explaining why he was incompetent. Not suggesting that that had any impact whatsoever, but I'm sure I won't have been alone in bringing his performance up. Many fans from his last 4 games are bound to have been pissed off. Where is this suspension confirmed?
  7. Gardner will not be dropped. He was very decent Saturday
  8. Especially when he is supposed to be marking him.
  9. Yes. He lied. I clearly recall him saying earlier in the season that Banks was classy and composed. Ps. Banks is crap.
  10. I cant. But I don't not think it will happen again.
  11. For the lols I might send an email to the EFL. Doubt I will get a response. Let's see where he turns up next Saturday.
  12. Steve Eyre said number 40 was terrible, couldn't run and didn't know how to play any position. That's Steve Eyre the unemployed 'coach'.
  13. Wilson was abandoned by Banks and so the second was Banks' fault all day long. He went walkabout (again) and their player couldn't believe his luck. Immediately he raised his arm and the ball was duly delivered.... goal.
  14. He was right that Shez got it wrong early doors. But that all he was right about imo. Don't forget, this clown rates Banks.... that alone confirms he should be nowhere near a coaching field ever again. Luckily, he probably never will be, as he has been an abject failure wherever he has been. Dale fans despise him for a good reason. Charlatan. Another stealing a living from football. The love in for him on GMR really grates.
  15. Im going to Fleetwood now on the back of that. COYB!
  16. Ahhh but he's "one of the best in the business" according to that clown Wagg. Jobs for the boys.
  17. Steve Eyre on Radio Manchester confirming why he has been sacked so often. Tit. Despise the charlatan and fuck me he is boring.
  18. Well you missed out then, because it was very entertaining today. Nevermind.
  19. Bullshit. Fane has enough talent for this league easily.
  20. And it looks like we have 11 players rather than 10 plus someone with zero awareness or effort.
  21. Banks. Get the fuck out of this club. Actually..., get the fuck out of Football. Fane comes on. Tackles. Passes. Forward runs. He is twice the player and twice the man Banks is.
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