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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Should have scored. Dummigan put it wide under no pressure.
  2. Under pressure already. Can't clear it. 3 corners
  3. Doesn't look great on the screen. Side opposite the camera unused. Looks like it's behind closed doors.
  4. Great Latics following by the sound of it. COYB!!!
  5. Beginning to think maybe he has "lost the dressing room"
  6. Did he mention injuries in conference yesterday? Something isn't right here.,
  7. We cant name some youngsters? 3 subs is fucking ridiculous.
  8. If that team sheet is right.... Wtf is Shez playing at!?
  9. Oh I'm sorry, my mistake, I allowed your previous negative cynicism to colour my response. apologies. Investment in our club at a lower level that ultimately leads to stability and progress could make us more attractive to future investors or owners at a higher level, who knows? Nobody knows what this is, what it could be and what it could lead to. Lets just leave it at that shall we.
  10. as it stands you have no idea what it IS or ISNT like.
  11. Its not a gift. "Investment" will be in exchange for some shares, so its a partial sale. It isn't a full takeover, but its definitely a sale.
  12. Why do people always assume the worst? why do people think an investor/owner is always a rogue? why do people think its always going to be reckless? why does it have to be some rich blokes play thing for a couple of years until they get bored. Perhaps a wealthy man is sensible and wants to build something. All of the sentences at the top were aimed at the Chelsea owner and all have proved to be incorrect. Yes there are rogue owners but there are more decent ones and I will be viewing any new owner as a decent and sensible man until proven wrong. Most wealthy people are intelligent individuals who have proved their worth and manage to accumulate wealth through decent business acumen. Its a particular British problem, especially in the current climate with opposition leaders trying to divide and conquer, that a high percentage of the population wealthy people are somehow all evil shit houses constantly on the make/take. I think it has a lot to do with entitlement and envy, but that's just my opinion.
  13. Why don't you just put "I blame Corney" in response to every post in every thread on here. Thats where you end up anyway. This approach will be more efficient. You're welcome.
  14. BS. Assets aren't a factor. Only income is. You are talking bollocks.... again.
  15. Thats the fault of the dross, possibly the manager, but certainly not the owner. It will be fucking rich if we start giving stick to Corney for spending now too. Give him a break for once.
  16. Yes!!! I expect full on high pitch " Placeeed " from Athletico and er... co.
  17. I'm guessing it's pointless to try and find the identity of said man?
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