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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. John McDonnell, shadow chancellor, calls for a million people on the streets to force the government out because it isn't a legitimate government. This is a very dangerous path we are going down here. Wake up people. I no longer think they are just crazy. They are dangerously crazy.
  2. Local TMO have just, this morning, hand delivered a letter to a tenant survivor of the block notifying them of their anti social behaviour with regard to their noisy dog! Really. Christ almighty, did no body think that the letter might now be a tad insensitive and useless! The more we hear about this TMO the more we see they are a joke in this case. There will be culpability in there I would guess.
  3. Where there any politicians on the local TMO? Must be? I suppose those are the only politicians that could be in bother as they were directly involved.
  4. Right wing rubbish? Really? I'd say I'm centre right. But... whatever. This is not the point of the current discussion is it. I do think all politicians are pretty much useless from whatever side of the argument. You just think anyone right of centre is evil and anyone left is a saint. If you believe such a polarised view is sensible or fair then so be it. Just because i think all politicians are frauds doesn't mean I don't still have my own view. Silly question.
  5. Time is of the essence. Start with the contractors, they will point fingers immediately if they have been pressured on cost or works. If they have creamed off a big profit at the expense of a decent job that will be easily identifiable too. Why isn't this happening now!? Also the person that signed this off will be known. I hope he is already answering questions under caution.
  6. Agreed. Makes some arrests and then start asking questions. Contractors and the local building inspector is a good starting point. They will soon start singing under some pressure.
  7. I agree with all of that. This incident has incompetence all over it. As for politicians at local and national level since these shambolic buildings were allowed to even be conceived are concerned.... useless fools the lot of them. The current politicians of whatever persuasion wont be any better in power. I include Corbyn, May, whichever new chinless wonder shows up for the liberals next and even (god forbid) a Green party leader (not that it would ever happen). That's my belief and I stand by it. Politicians say stuff... do nothing. Useless to a man/woman.
  8. This is corporate manslaughter, obviously. Politics shouldn't be anywhere near this. It is a private building recently renovated with £10m worth of 'improvements'. How the hell has this happened in those circumstances? Somebody has been ill advised, somebody has signed off works that are not fit for purpose. Its not as if £10m is not a significant improvement program... but it seems to have been a complete joke in terms of what has taken place. Those found guilty whoever they are should go to prison... for a very, very long time. Could be contractors, could be expert consultants.... probably both. Could be the local building inspector too... who knows. Whoever it is they should be banged up. I am really struggling to understand how a £10m improvement program undertaken in the last 2 years makes a building worse if current regulations are followed. They clearly haven't been followed. I seriously doubt it will be politicians at fault here (current or previous going back 30 years to when it was built) local or national given that all the experts I have heard have said that if building regs had been followed this simply would not have happened.
  9. http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/please-stop-exploiting-the-dead-of-grenfell-tower/19962#.WUL9QYXTWaM sensible.
  10. Opportunism from deaths. Sickens me. They were there in 8minutes. The nature of the fire was the problem. Not the resource. Somebody has fucked up with this building. It should not escape and hop floors so easily.
  11. aaaaaaand Corbyn has already blamed the fire on local authority cuts. "This is what happens when local authority spending is cut". Literally everything is down to not enough spending with this guy. Or... the local authority concerned hasn't spent money wisely, or the safety inspector employed by the local authority is incompetent, or the company employed to do the recent multi million pound improvements to the block have fucked up. Amazing response by the the fire service and I hope they have kept the casualties down.
  12. So sad. Bit shocked by that, he was a big part of the club. Will be missed.
  13. Who should people support? Who has the most legitimate mandate? I think I have been proved right that ALL the politicians we have now are a set of self serving, disingenuous, power hungry idiots. For some reason some very gullible people think Corbyn is "different". he really isn't.
  14. gone quiet? it was never ever mentioned by oafc, indeed they denied anything of the sort was taking place.
  15. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/12/theresa-may-just-400-votes-short-majority/
  16. We? Speaking for everyone? I know you did, hence my surprise at your glee at the failure to actually win.
  17. Tory twats. Are you about 12? Or just in a shit job and bitter at the world?
  18. Tell that to David Cameron of 2010. He might disagree. Get used to coalitions or deals of support. We might get a few more in the future. Labour will certainly need it if they are to ever lead again.
  19. Spin. Bu but we are always told by the left that its total votes that matters (usually when they have either scraped a win or just lost), 800,000 less in total votes for Corbyn. May pollled more votes than Tony Blair ever managed and yet he was a landslide PM with unbelievable support apparently. FPTP creates funny old worlds. Those boundary changes should sort this mess out one way or another. ?
  20. No. I also don't think labour won, but others here do. Now thats really fucked up.
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