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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Agreed. Which makes the fact she is still there even more remarkable. Labour can never get a majority again imo.
  2. Dobt he such a silly boy. This will not be a coalition and even if it had been that wouldn't have happened. having said that. It's a toss up who is worse between him and Abott the racist liar.
  3. Strange election. Both main parties share of vote up by a decent amount. Labour up more partly due to UKIP voters going back home. I'm not sure either can get a queens speech through. A coalition including the SNP would be doomed and frankly disrespectful. They aren't even popular in Scotland any more. So... another election it is then. Yay? ?
  4. See you later Clegg. That's the best so far. Alex Salmond next please.
  5. Jimmy Krankie is done for. Alex Salmond will hopefully never be heard from again. Inconsequential losers, the pair of them. Angus Robertson gone.... soooooo good.
  6. Oh hang on... Scottish votes catching my eye. SNP getting an absolute towelling! Hilarious.
  7. not going away then? or do you holiday in Wiltshire... knitting yoghurt. ;-) nighty night.
  8. I think I will hit the sack. I think I shall awake to a well hung situation. If you will pardon the expression. Potentially I think we may even see a slightly higher labour number of seats than Tory. Whatever we get we will be getting a lot more politics in the coming months.... Thank god I'm going away. Oh, hang on... the pound will now drop like a stone and our holidays will be expensive. Cheers jezza.
  9. I always said UKIP voters were labour voters. Blindingly obvious.
  10. Its not that he propped the tories up... he is just a clueless fool. His arrogance and pomposity is way out of line with the talent he HASN'T got. Hopefully he fooks off to France.
  11. Working class vote for labour is down to around 24% in the North of England apparently... not surprising. By the way... any election which sees that utter, utter arse Nick Clegg lose his job is absolutely a good night in my book.
  12. Stand by your beds. The first two results are nowhere near the exit poll prediction.... All to play for yet.
  13. Then you are a pillock. Worst possible outcome for all.
  14. Exactly. There are plenty of ordinary people that have to work who Labour say are rich. Rich to me, is not needing to work. I am also well into the top 5% but I still have to work.
  15. Yes You should say nothing about what you will accept before negotiation starts, demand everything and negotiate down from there to reach a compromise. You certainly don't admit that you have to have a deal of any kind, that's starting with you weakest position already out there... stupid beyond belief.
  16. Why do people think the top 1% is the super mega rich. Its people on 160k or more. The mega super rich are the top 0.1%. Taxing them raises bugger all.
  17. I don't necessarily see that. The big factors are cheaper exports, but potentially less inward investment from overseas.... Its all an unknown. But we shall see.
  18. Can you link me to that please? My gran could have predicted a cut in corporation tax given that it was promised to happen by the government regardless of the brexit vote.
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