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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Why does Brexit matter in this context? Both Labour and Tory are committed to leaving. There is no leader historically more anti EU than Mr Corbyn. I firmly believe Brexit will be a success for what it is worth.
  2. This thought process puzzles me. If they don't create a hung parliament with this new direction then the current leadership have missed an opportunity that probably won't present itself again and so they will have failed. They wont be there for the next election or if the current leadership hang on then you could see a split. Even if they don't split and they completely change their tune for the next election because the current leadership have perhaps retired or resigned then its going to look very odd. Old Labour, New Labour, Corbyns Labour, whats next.... because they are all very different.
  3. You see it as unfair. But it was blindingly obvious what was going off with Abbott. I'm inclined to actually give Umuna a bit of slack. Yes has made a mistake but he clearly didn't mean any harm by it, he's just made a bit of a pillock of himself and I'm not sure the context is clear.
  4. Some people in here needing a very large step ladder to get off high horses. Pious much? Apparently its common knowledge in London, where I am today, that she is perfectly well and able to work. As will be seen tomorrow.
  5. Just read that story about the email conversation. Unbelievable.
  6. That is very generous of you. What was her excuse in all the other interviews over the last 6 months? She is inept. I'm not angry by the way.
  7. Diane Abbott "temporarily steps aside from the role of shadow HS for the duration of her illness.... but she will be available on polling day in her constituency to help get voters out" Cynical lie to avoid the media. Absolute disgrace.
  8. But I did say the political and legal classes. I should have clarified slightly though because it followed the liberal elite comment.
  9. You don't think that many labour MP's had the same upbringing and opportunities as Tory MP's ?? Really? I think the obvious example of liberal elite in the Labour Party right now is Thornberry. Corbyn himself was a long way from a tough working class upbringing. Thornberry is classic liberal elite, she suffers from cognitive dissonance in that she vicerally hates the people she pretends to save with her false consciousness.
  10. Oh look, Diane Abbott pulls out of two interviews today due to 'illness'. Chronic stupidity?
  11. Because parliament is full of wets. Blame the liberal elite. That's the political and the legal classes to you. Bubble residing pillocks.
  12. Corbyn was against the British government banning people returning from Syria when they had been out there to collude or mix with ISIS. He though it was a bizarre decision to try and ban their return. This is public record in various places including an interview on Bahrain TV. He he was also against shoot to kill. Now he's gone full John Wayne all of a sudden. He's a liar.
  13. I didn't know that even Alan Sugar has ditched Labour. http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/21/former-labour-peer-lord-sugar-is-backing-theresa-may-this-general-election-6650554/
  14. Pretty clear manpower is not the issue with the London Bridge attack. The more we learn the more it is clear that this is an almighty cock up. Interestingly, figures revealed today show current met officer numbers of police are at least as high as all but just one year under the last labour government. Spending on anti terror is currently at a record all time high. Methinks some very senior police are deflecting. Labour are just lying and being opportunist.
  15. in which case... this is brilliant! the band is 2 Cons, 1 SNP, 1 Labour. Apparently did the majority of the Jo Cox charity single too. Fair play to them.
  16. Holy crap. ha ha haa. I demand to know which 'musician' sold his soul to deliver that masterpiece.
  17. Agree 100%... and I'd share that prediction or slightly closer. Hung isn't out of the question by any means. Hope it doesn't rain too heavily tomorrow... he lied ;-)
  18. By the way, the European average corp tax rate is 19.71% and the trend is downwards. Don't believe everything you hear... There is good reason for lowering corp tax... it is the private sector that drives wealth and innovation.
  19. Yeah, that one. The fact he managed to worm out of it doesn't wash with me. Even the Guardian reported it. He was against the killing of Jihadi John. He would rather we marched up to him whilst he was making his latest head off video in an ISIS camp in Syria, arrest him, read him his rights, cuff him and then have marched into a waiting police car and drive him back to the UK....
  20. Apple and Microsoft have a few hundred billion of reserves sat abroad because they cant 'afford' to invest it in the US. Just one example.
  21. and said in Nov 2016 he was against it in a televised interview. Like farron he is also against CCTV prolifieration and greater internet scrutiny. All of which are essential in the modern world of counter terrorist activity.
  22. They wont move away, or only a few will. I agree. They will just avoid paying it, thus undermining Corbyn's entire spending plans. Then he will just have to tax everyone a bit earlier than he is going to anyway. People really think he will allow middle earners to not pay more tax!? ha ha haa.
  23. Corbyn votes against anything terror related, it his the default position. The legislation may have been weak and proved to be ineffective, but without it perhaps circumstances could have been even worse. No shoot to kill the other night would have certainly made matters worse. He was against that until Tuesday morning... when he somehow magically lost his coat of pacifism again. by the way... did you just say no legislation is better than bad legislation.... careful now... ;-)
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