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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Id like your comment as a numbers man on that please.
  2. Really!? The NHS is enormous. And enormously expensive.
  3. Its both. It can be both. You havent answered my earlier question on the labour claim of direct correlation between the rise in corp tax and the revenue it will generate. Are labour correct that they will definitely be directly proportionate.
  4. so according to that table... 40 hours on minimum wage in 2010 under Labour = £11,162 after tax 40 hours in 2017 on minimum wage = £14,780 after tax NI would come off both too obviously.
  5. anyone checking that table I just posted. is it wrong?
  6. that's just rubbish isn't it. an over simplified generalisation.
  7. Who is asking you to brag. I'm just wondering what shapes your polarised and aggressive view. I find it interesting.
  8. No. I've asked him a simple question. Will a rise in corp tax generate an equivalent rise in revenue? Labour says it definitely will.
  9. So you are saying Labour is correct. We will definitely see a rise in corp tax revenues that is directly proportionate to the rise in the rate?
  10. The EU wants to forge closer links with China in light of Trump actions. Fucking hell. Human rights no longer an issue then?
  11. No point in discussing anything with anyone like you. You'd vote for a slug if it had a red rosette on it. I'm still curious to know peoples backgrounds if they are prepared to share... which part of the public sector do you work for?
  12. As predicted by everyone that isn't a politician. We had the best performance in 2016 and this was predicted by every major commentator/analyst to slip in 2017.
  13. Is it any less valid than simply saying (as Labour are saying in their manifesto) that if we increase corp tax then receipts will increase in direct proportion. That simply won't happen as you yourself have eluded to in previous posts by pointing out how tax payers will try to avoid paying it... so will corporations. The incentive to do so become less at lower rates of tax. That's just common sense.
  14. You seem to think I like the Tories... you haven't been paying attention. I have little time for all politicians, cant think of one I admire currently. Do I like and admire Boris, Hunt, Hammond? Not a bit, I am just happen to actively hate Abbott and Thornberry and everything they pretend to be and stand for. They are frauds. They despise the working class.
  15. That's because you are an aloof and patronising left winger. As you said.. you've found the right party. I too have established a charitable foundation, but that's also off topic. Lets get get back on topic, I'd be interested in your views on those 3 shadow ministers mentioned above.
  16. So, back on topic. question for potential labour voters. Views on Diane Abbott, (Lady) Emily Thornberry and John McDonnell. can you really stomach them? Seriously?
  17. aaaaand another insult. Yeah I am. Totally. You got me big man. (Says the man man with his multitude of non exec roles on boards... pro bono hero of the people)
  18. Norden? I didn't live in Norden as a child. Innit.
  19. There you go. Snide idiotic remarks. #itswhattheleftdo
  20. Yeah. I can. I lived in a private rental slum with an outside toilet and ice on the inside of windows in the winter. We had literally less than nothing for my entire childhood. That's not average is it. I'm not moaning or complaining I'm simply saying your insulting view of who and what I am is way off. Do come back with another insult or snide remark... #itswhattheleftdo
  21. I see the new champion of the left, Mr Lineker will face a hefty tax bill after evaded tax through a bogus scheme. Doubt he will tweet about this one. Geldof and Ant & Dec also used it.. no doubt another group of Corbyn fans. Fucking hypocrites all of them.
  22. But mine is true. We didn't have to lick the road clean with our tongues though...
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