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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. I almost certainly come from a poorer background than everyone here too. Birds custard for tea and hiding from the rent man behind the sofa. Some of us strive, some of us moan and demand we are funded to stay where we are. The left prefer the latter, keeps their support strong.
  2. Not that simple pal. I do earn more than that, do have a limited company and do pay more tax than that. Admittedly when I sold my partnership to my ltd company I was able to reduce tax significantly for some time. But that can't last forever and tax is inevitable. I also paid a shit load of tax, more than many, probably you, will ever pay in their lifetimes. I'm not complaining, but it is a fact..... 'but people who earn over 100k don't pay hardly any tax!!!??' Bullshit. Utter bullshit. What do you do? Earn? Or is it a secret? Why the chip on your shoulder?
  3. Why are you lefties so angry all the time... ha. Grrrrr!
  4. Really? We pay our consultant FD very handsomely too. Ah well...
  5. Yes self employed contractors, particularly in certain sectors, do that. If you are saying that is typical of the self employed then you are lying or have a narrow understanding, which may not be your fault.
  6. Jesus. Wouldn't let you anywhere near my company... and yes I have one. Hyperbole and lies... that's the left for you.
  7. Wasnt talking to you. But my point stands... as it's correct, as you know.
  8. Self employed / shareholders. Wtf are you talking about. You are also confusing revenue and profit. Yes a good accountant should be able to use tax allowances and deductibles to reduce gross profit for a self employed individual. But if the final profit after this is 100k then that's it. You will pay tax on that. There is no alchemy to avoiding tax on those earnings unless you want to commit a crime. You haven't got a clue in taxation and finance. Luckily it's my field so I can help you and educate you.
  9. On the general tax point of higher earners should pay more... Do do people understand how percentages and thresholds work? Do people understand that someone earning 100k pays a lot more than 5 x the tax of someone earning 20k. I'm not sure vast swathes of the population get even this basic fact.
  10. It's 12% up to UEL and 2% above that. Your post could be misinterpreted.
  11. YOU be honest. The deficit has gone from over £100bn per annum to £15bn per annum. So the rate that debt is increasing has slowed very, very dramatically and is on course to create a surplus which will then begin to reduce debt. That's the honest and complete answer. Every Labour government has left the country with more debt and higher unemployment than at the start of their tenure. Every one.
  12. With respect, if a nurse (even on a starting qualified salary of 21k) is going to a food bank then there is something else going on in their lives. The police starting salary is 20k so ONLY police in their first year earn that. And ANOTHER person who doesn't understand deficit and debt. It's becoming tiresome. Thd left lie repeatedly and expect nobody to check. Corbyn isnt doing the rounds rounds at all. Public meetings are ALWAYS with momentum in attendance.
  13. Hes insisting that the prem league give 5% to grass roots football. Unfortunately he didn't check... they already do!
  14. Guessing we have a lot of public sector workers here...
  15. Corbyn should have stayed away from this. It's backfired a bit. The faciliator for this debate is woeful though. The debate itself is a mess, just a load of people shouting at each other. The audience is NOT typical either. Loud applause and cheers for unilateral disarmament. Yeah right.
  16. "Its not very different after inflation". It's more by about £1000 per annum after inflation. So it's more under a conservative government than a labour government whatever you factor in or attempt to spin. Do you know how "children in poverty is calculated"? It's a loaded calculation. It's not an absolute.
  17. So ours was a "fucking stupid idea" because we actually needed to do it, and Dales is a great idea that should be applauded because they don't need to do it... brilliant.
  18. Excuse me? I'd have to wonder what industry you are in if you think Corbyn plus the SNP is a good financial and economic decision. Care to share?
  19. take your accurate facts and get the hell out of here,. Tories are satan and want to eat babies and murder the poor.
  20. I doubt many agree with you there. Corbyn and SNP 'coalition' would ruin this country and the financial markets would go into free fall immediately. So if you do have a private pension then get ready to lose a chunk of it... then again you might have a ridiculously generous DB scheme through a public organisation and won't give a shit about the rest of us. Those poor poor public workers with their awful pensions... utterly deluded.
  21. Unlike when we did an offer last year.... to quote: Posted March 1, 2016 · Report post Fucking stupid idea, Not many have budgeted for it It will put added pressure on the team But more than anything we must be Fucking pot less again, with no opportunity for a quick fire player sale we have taken the chance on a quick fire season ticket sale - clueless. You are so transparent!
  22. Well I guess we shall see. If nobody is there to watch the team you are pretty much fucked whatever aren't you. Their home attendances are dwindling in the most successful period of their history. That is not good management of a product is it.
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