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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. YAY. Social media in left wing leaning shock... grow up pal. It was the same in Brexit, the same in the US with Trump and the same at the last general election. The left love a good derogatory photo or GIF don't they and a 'look at me' social media post. Its almost as if they never left the student union and got a proper job.... oh... hang on a minute. Imagine if Corbyn doesn't win having promised the earth in uncosted giveaways and capitulating on every belief he ever had for the manifesto... where do they go from there?
  2. They sold 1800 last year. They have taken 1600 deposits at £50 so far, just a couple of weeks left and by all accounts sales have stalled. Some of the 1600 may not take up the offer of course as maybe the gambled on them actually achieving a hefty discount. I believe deposits are non refundable!? Price so far is £200 after lowering the threshold to try and get momentum going again, otherwise it would have been £250. So currently they have lost about 200 season ticket holders and about 20k in revenue with this initiative.
  3. That the best you've got? They wont have a couple of million in the bank for long with this kind of rank bad management (they haven't already as it happens - last set of account shows £600k assets of which is pretty much just cash at bank - yes I know they had a sell on this year - but they are loss making). Tramp wont keep getting lucky in the transfer market, one or two years with no big sells and they are in trouble. It was a poor initiative, badly implemented. If we had done this with the same result you would have murdered the club. Hudds are on a different level and the comparison is silly, they have a very wealthy owner who has thrown money at it. By all accounts this season was the last he was prepared to do so, so I guess the gamble on the German paid off.
  4. I didn't get one. Neither did any of my family members. All of us live in Rochdale within a mile and a half of the ground. As I said it would, this initiative has failed. It could only work where you know you have a large base of stayaways/arm chair supporters. They are now in the bizarre situation of having sold less season tickets than last year at an even lower price after this 'offer'. Dale praised on here for this offer and yet on their own forum the realisation of how badly they have handled and promoted the idea is hitting home. Not everything is better at other clubs. Disaster of an idea badly implemented.
  5. Possibly the dumbest analogy of all time. Well done.
  6. Confirmation bias abounds... obviously. These things are pointless.
  7. He says he isn't because it's a very unpopular stance... but he is. This sums it up reasonably well. Good take on him being absolutely right about absolutely everything ever too. The man is so pious and pompous. I have no idea why the working man could ever relate to such an elitist. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/daily-catch-up-jeremy-corbyn-not-sure-if-hes-a-pacifist-but-never-wrong-a6753961.html
  8. You are obviously voting labour this time yes? I wonder who you voted for in 1997, 2001 and 2005?
  9. Cos May didn't. Like I said weak. Everyone knows a current PM has everything to lose in an election debate. Corbyn should have turned up and got stuck in, but in a debate with his peers he is poor. Left to speak to a journalist a bit better (due to their sympathy for his stance, most media journalists are left if centre), left to speak to joe public better still because they believe his lies and fantasies.
  10. But you are biased and narrow minded... by definition as you are a socialist. Its not an insult unless you want to take it as such. That may not be extreme but it is an intransigent mindset. If you can't accept that then that's fine. Hypocritical though. Corbyn in a Brexit negotiation would be weak, he'd simply give in. He is a unilateralist after all. He has wanted to be out of Europe his entire political life (until a few weeks ago... integrity!). He has no experience, no gravitas and little education.
  11. Chaddy. As a socialist you will obviously watch tonight and think, whatever happens or is said, that Corbyn wins the debate. You are pre wired to think that. You can't be objective. But don't think that because you believe that everyone else does. The left really do struggle to grasp this simple idea that people can see things differently and they have no monopoly on being correct. I guess all extremists are like this
  12. Yes. Uncosted and naive. One example being corporation tax. They will not get more revenue by increasing corporation tax. No chance. They will probably get less.
  13. About personality? Not for me. About integrity and sticking to beliefs and what you think is right on the big picture. Not just saying any old uncosted populist shit to get elected. Just write eveyone a cheque for a couple of grand and have done with it.
  14. Agreed. And to add. U turning on policy is one thing, it's sensible politics in my view. U turning on deeply held beliefs...? I just can't trust that.
  15. I did actually. Not great but a million miles better than that intellectual lightweight. Jeremy will crush May? I seriously doubt that. He will do well in many viewers eyes though because he will portray utopia of giveaway policies.... that anyone with a brain and the IFS say is a fantasy. And please font don't talk about u turns like they are unique, Jez the trot has has done more than anyone, ever.
  16. The last two big Jezza interviews with Peston and Nield should be compulsory viewing. Awful. Truly terrible. He's all over the place. On defence, domestic and international, he is a disaster.
  17. Precedent set. People slated us for owing it. Those same people going to slate Bolton? Cuts both ways.
  18. I dont read the mail. You obviously do as you know everything they say. So you disagree with me about triple lock? Can you actually explain why or will it be another cheap empty shot? So... why is the triple lock required and why is the double lock not adequate? Go!
  19. So? Labour went crazy with PFI. That's undeniable. It wasn't a necessity at all. That's just a cop out. They did it because that's what Labour does. Signs up to massive debts every single time they get power.
  20. Labour have a better recent record? They did the biggest privatisation and burning of cash ever with the massive expansion of PFI. Is that wrong?
  21. Targets the pensioners? Not really. You sir are extremely closed minded. There is literally no point in talking to you. I have a client who says that in his town (Leigh) they would vote labour if a donkey had a red rosette on, that kind of blind loyalty is what is actually embarrassing. I've already told you none of the parties are for me but you ignore that and do what the left does, attack anyone with ideas different to their own. Now, back on the topic... If you are referring to the triple lock, that is a crazy system.. the double lock is enough. If you are referring to the long term care issues then you are naive and dont understand it properly.
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