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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Nah. I like it. And you're wrong it isn't louder. They never stop.
  2. Soneone will say it's a lie cos a mates told him it's not true. The source won't be revealed though.
  3. Shocking first half. Much better second half. Fane mom.
  4. How many do that? I certainly do not. How many do the opposite? But the point is that the forum isn't balanced or moderated properly.
  5. There you go, just shows you how unlikely it is. Get your money on it disjointed.
  6. This is relevant because? If you want to give me £100, I'll give you 10/1 it won't happen.
  7. Obviously players will leave and arrive... we want some to leave don't we!? Others like Ripley aren't 'ours' to 'keep'. Don't take it literally and hang him with it in the future. If we keep the nucleus and Shez that's all we want.
  8. I'm only out of line on Taylor it seems. He's been poor imo, give him back to Bolton and let them decide what to do with him. I'm undecided on Ngoo. I really really want him to do well and I think he may have something.
  9. The video output is good now isn't it. The bloopers at the end of this week at Latics are a nice addition too ?. Keep it up everyone concerned.
  10. The reality? Its a very tiny number actually who will NEVER see anything other than bad in anything relating to the club under the current regime. This forum is dominated by less than a dozen who 'manage' the agenda day in day out. When I look at the way the General Election thread was moderated and compare it to some discussion around Corney I can come to no other conclusion.
  11. New supporters that join here because they want THEIR say and don't attack the club are attacked immediately on this forum by the usual suspects. What is wrong with you people? You do not have a monopoly on being right. Seems to me that a handful of posters on here run the show and demonise anyone who doesn't agree with them. The moderation is an absolute joke. Cue weak response from in-on-it mod. Joke.
  12. Im speaking generally. I haven't seen anyone say The Trust is at fault, just certain trust members' approaches over certain aspects. So your original post is inaccurate and just to cause trouble.
  13. Don't get the relevance? Sorry, but what does this have to do with the behaviour of trust member on here? Who is discrediting the actual Trust? when? Didn't see you commenting in this way regarding mowergate. At least be consistent.
  14. 'Either with us or against us (thus we hate you and will abuse you"
  15. Presumably the person that owners the land pocketed it? Who else?
  16. Not sure what the relevance of the first sentence is? Do you think they are going to close it down and build houses? Why and how would they do that?
  17. Corbyn is a now a remainer, odd. Has been anti EU his entire political life. He also allowed his kids to go to private school etc etc. He is a political lightweight and worst kind of do as I say not as I do socialist. His opinion of me matters not, I'm not standing for election. [-indeed, the rest I have removed] TM doesn't call an election, the left: "you have no mandate!" She does "opportunist! Weak!" The left is a fucking mess of epic proportion in this country. Abysmal bunch that have betrayed their roots and the people they (have always) lied about helping.
  18. Pretty much cant be bothered with politicians, the last 25 years has been horrible. The Tony Blair approach ruined politics in this country. But.... TM at least seems competent. Corbyn is immature, a hypocrite, largely incompetent and worst of all still acting like he is leader of the NUS. The other guy is invisible.
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