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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Well obviously not. What's your point? What he said was fine. Parkinson IS a one trick pony and they WILLreally struggle next year. Would I swap with them? Damn right.
  2. More likely to lose their best players (on big wages) and be weakened, they are potless and losing hundreds of thousands every month. If they do somehow cock this promotion up they are likely to enter admin.
  3. What the !? Ha. Deary me. Let it go, you are sounding ridiculous.
  4. Not repossessed. Loaned and returned. Stop fuelling negative rumours.
  5. Dont underestimate our defence. He had nothing to do today.
  6. We've just taken 7 points off the top 3 in our last three home games.
  7. Welcome to lower league football. Aside from a few exceptions that the way it is.
  8. Ffs "I heard a rumour last week" Jesus wept give it a rest. Every.single.thread. Even a thread for a bit of fun or a thread for a bit of positivity has this thrown in. As for this thread... bravo! Some people need to get a sense of humour.
  9. To be fair that's a bit ironic. The vocal majority here act more like North Korea shutting others down if they can.... intolerance, and foul mouthed, ignorant put downs not uncommon. Not sure why one particular poster isn't banned by now.
  10. Heaven forbid people have different views. You should welcome debate and proper discussion or doesn't that suit?
  11. they are allowed to win that one and then lose out in the play offs. love it if they stayed down.
  12. Bolton to lose all their games and miss out on the play offs!! ha. Now that would be sensational. Shit, that cant happen happen. BOOOO
  13. Wallsall will want to win last home game and are a decent side. Charlton I'll give you. that's where they get their one point. ;-)
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