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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Comedy genius. On a proper forum this kind of nonsense isn't allowed. Ganging up to belittle an opinion or viewpoint that is different to your own is telling though. Try not to blame others for your failure in life, look inwardly. That way you can move on, grow as a person. Ta love.
  2. There you go again. Can't help yourself can you. Immature. Like arguing with a kid.
  3. I have no idea of the circumstances of the bailiffs turning up or if indeed they actually did. If you know more then tell us. Don't give me this defending people nonsense. Give me the circumstances and I will give you my verdict. It can happen through something trivial, you know that. Creating little derisory nicknames for people you don't agree with doesn't help your cause either. Nobody has a monopoly on being right.
  4. I think the club is mistaken. Not sure they do that. I think normal practice is that it is just immediately set aside on the day.
  5. I would imagine he is referring to the general tone and intention of a few posters. There is no doubt that a few here love a good old negative rumour... they fan the flames of those rumours for as long and as hard as possible. They make snide, sarcastic and negative comments daily. They automatically think the worst.
  6. So the club are lying? I think the actual message was supposed to be the hearing will set aside the petition immediately, as they did last time, due to the debt being settled.
  7. The club said they expect the Gazette to report the WUP has been set aside didn't they? This was a public announcement on the website. Are the club lying? A yes or no will suffice.
  8. Rumour has it. Negative financial rumours are facts on here.... always have been. It was why Sheridan left. He obviously forgot about them when he returned.
  9. I think it would drop as home attendances would increase by more.
  10. Only one question there is any of your business. Do do people not understand what a private limited company is? If the club answers the other 3 questions then it is being generous.
  11. Decent today. Getting better. But the season is nearly over.
  12. I frankly don't care what you of most other people here think. Frankly most people here are professionally negative. Frankly, it's tedious.
  13. Just ask for it. We have a scoreboard.
  14. Yep... flown in from Chine to look at a scoreboard/ad boards in Oldham. Has to be more to it than that.
  15. As I said they would. 1 section used for score and time. Get your refunds. Scoreboard not required.
  16. Look great. Chinese here again today apparently... ?
  17. My condolences. Hope Latics can get a win for him and you today.
  18. To be applauded. Agents are a feckin' nuisance and parasite on football. But the club can't win again. "Just means we never sign anyone" If we had paid a higher figure. "Club is so gullible being had over by agents, club is wasting money"
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