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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Bloody hell, how much did you donate!!??
  2. Weird post. Just buy the ticket and refund yourself with the score board refund. You can't blame other people for your own inability to manage a rather simple transaction.
  3. We do. But we've already sold seats to Latics fans for the North stand for this game... and the North stand has the most season ticket holders. Give them the lower tier of main stand. Segregated and a fucking awful place to sit full of moaning sods anyway.
  4. That's pretty weak. A meeting to talk about unpopular owners. Wow. Arent 95% of owners "unpopular". get a life.
  5. Wow, such a powerful post and best of luck to your dad!
  6. Charlton are still in this. 2 from 7. They will also play a key part as they play a few in and around the bottom.
  7. Gordon and Roy said it yesterday at the start of the commentary. The ? is there because I found it hard to believe it had jumped so much.
  8. This opening is so boring and weak. Yes. Forget the idea because their idea will have been met! Jesus... if the perimeters can show the same as what a dirt cheap scoreboard would show (I.e. score, time etc) then their request has been met hasnt it without using our donations? Which leads me on on to your last question... I believe the answer is... if you ask you can have it. So so what's the problem?
  9. Modest as in? Show me a picture. Tell us the pricing. The point of the scoreboard wasn't to merely display the score and time was it. It was to generate ad revenue. Not a condition no, but blindingly obvious common sense. Now that we have ad boards we could revert to a modest score board I suppose, but arguably we could just use one section of the ad boards on each side instead and just forget the score board idea.
  10. No it wasn't me. That isn't my style and I dont really use any social media. I'm an adult, a father and I am (unless provoked) respectful. I also recognise there are two sides to every story. One side rarely gives the whole story. The club AND the trust can improve in my humble opinion.
  11. There you go again, defensive. Read my last post in reply to Rob.
  12. some have some haven't. def 2 from 7 now though.
  13. To be fair I didn't have us getting anything from these last two games. So lets hope there is a reaction next week
  14. Shocker Fell to pieces Need something next week
  15. Where do I apportion blame? I merely stated that to have a decent relationship they need to get on with each other... and yes that cuts both ways.
  16. Well you need to speak to others about that. Not relevant to me.
  17. Who knows. But certainly not if the Trust is going to assume the worst and speculate negatively at every opportunity as they (you) do now.
  18. Directors should know yes. Its THEIR business to know. How many directors are there? Majority rules in most things. Not every director has to be involved in every decision and even if they are they don't all need to be in agreement.... that's not how it works.
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