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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Are you 6. Grow the fuck up. Which part of my post is kissing anyone's arse. It's an observation, question and suggestion. Respond properly or don't respond.
  2. Him saying you can have your money back indicates he has used it elsewhere? That's odd logic. Clearly the relationship between the trust and the club has broken down. Not saying whose fault this is, it may actually be nobody's fault, it may be the clubs fault. But that shouldn't mean people 'take their bat home'. I have to say that there is a very clear negative message from the trust on this forum and it is evidenced in that I rarely see the two of you that I know about commenting in a positive way on this forum. Nothing in the Peter Clarke thread for instance and only a sideswipe dig in the "This week at Latics " thread. The best two bits of news we have recently had, one a statement of intent and the other an excellent bit of weekly PR from th club and the trust reps say nowt. Far more inclined to be involved in rumour and conjecture. It's not healthy. Just an observation. Tin hat on.
  3. So 27k. Are we saying 27k couldn't buy a scoreboard but can buy perimeter advertising around 3 sides of the ground? Doesn't make sense in terms of square footage of LCD screens. Perhaps the LCD perimeter boards are supplied 'free' by an ad agency for a slice of increased ad revenue?
  4. That target will get some decent crayons I think...
  5. But we didn't raise enough, therefore obviously it becomes opt out.
  6. Why do you care. If people want a refund they should ask for one.
  7. With respect arent you on the trust? You should be a bit more analytical in your thinking than its a concern if Jorvik says so. But in any event, Jorvik has already said all he is doing is confirming what has always been the case. Which is that in ANY wind up petition, other creditors can tag on. Why are you suddenly panicking in light of information that changed nothing and has always been the case.
  8. Didnt he say people who had donated could have it back? If you don't like it...ask for it back. It's not complicated.
  9. 100%. I will never stand, but there should be a standing section as it is safe and there is demand.
  10. But any creditor can commence their own wind up petition or, if more 'trivial', can take us to small claims etc. at any time. It isn't expensive or difficult to do either. So perhaps you should be permanently worried? Not sure why this current issue would increase you angst about other creditors. But you have clarified it is merely the fact that someone could jump on it that troubles you, not that it is likely or imminent due to information you have knowledge of. So I'm good.
  11. The revenue do give you plenty of time but they don't hang about if you pass their deadline. I'm not telling you it is normal. But I'm also not worried or assuming there are a line of other creditors ready to show up at the hearing to force the wind up through.
  12. No they issue proceedings when you are late paying. But they don't mess about or give much time. These days they are on it if you are late. Not sure what that had to do with what I was saying. I was asking what these other debts that are overdue are who can tag on to the petition. Specifically.
  13. I don't know. No idea. I don't just guess or make stuff up. That is all I'm saying.
  14. Why? What does he do, what does he know? I'm not being antagonistic. I'm genuinely interested. Having once issued a winding up petition against someone I know how very, very easy it is.
  15. Only if they gave a grievance. Why would a creditor with no legitimate grievance jump on it?
  16. I had the same issue. I just went to the office. Why don't you just call them.
  17. I think has been stated that the bill has been paid. This is now done with. It will be set aside immediately at hearing if it has been paid with no further action. Why are are you comparing our circumstances with Leyton Orient. Just because we have both had winding up orders issued does not mean we are in the same boat. Scare mongering.
  18. Dale getting murdered. Bury getting murdered. Sheff Utd getting promoted.
  19. No it's big whatever. If we lose then them losing tonight is obviously a huge help. It's not just about Saturday, it's about the rest of the season.
  20. Results around us 100% matter. Never understood saying they don't. That bury result is a cracker.... so far.
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