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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. This is so childish and simplistic. Football doesn't work like this,we all know it. We beat Scunny 2-0.
  2. Are you drunk? We spent many years above that league position. 22 consecutive years. 22 years is a long time. If you want to argue it isn't please don't bother. Ps. Bury's is 43. I'd call that competing.
  3. Yes you can. Our average position is 42. We batted above that for a long time didn't we? Yes... we definitely did.
  4. Decent results for us today. If we can actually win a game of course...
  5. We batted above our average for a long time.
  6. It's not about the players leaving, it's about the players arriving. Please let's not start pretending 80% of this squad are not easily matched or bettered.
  7. potentially, but not historically.
  8. Not comparable. Totally different scenarios. Robinson was probably dealt the worst hand in the history of management. He had no players and no time.
  9. I dont see how anyone can really judge Robinson given what he has to deal with. New players for me. Give Robinson a chance.
  10. I wouldn't say that. He has made a name for himself and he is 17 years younger that Sheridan, managing in the Championship at the age of 35. If I was pushed I'd say he will achieve more than Sheridan does in their respective careers. You could argue he already has having spent a full season in the Championship at a club bigger than Sheridan will ever manage. With any luck that run in the championship will end this season one way or another....
  11. LJ is a better manager than JS. That's obvious.
  12. So? Are you seriously comparing Sheridan to those two!? Why not throw in Mourinho too.
  13. I don't have a boss, I am the boss. There was luck involved, that's not a criticism, it's just an observation.
  14. Before you go. A. Why would he come back given his parting shots when he left? B. what does that say about him?
  15. Because it isn't relevant. Totally different situation. Only one or two of the same players for a start. Why has he failed at NCFC? Dismally failed. Getting lucky last year with Palmer and Main was a massive factor imo. As was Shirtliff.
  16. Can't say I feel remotely sorry for him. Why would he come back to a club that's "finished". Think about it, if he did return it proves he's a bull:censored:ter and a liar... at best
  17. Why? Forget last season. Why is that the case now? It's a very different situation.
  18. I've made no secret of my opinion on Sheridan and the way he left. Aside from that, the timing is wrong. I still believe this team, including the manager, stays up quite easily with a decent striker. If we do give him a chance he needs to eat a hell of a lot of humble pie. Apologise for the way he left us in the :censored: and patriculatly for the way he bad mouthed the club after he ran to the cash. Karma is a bitch. I'm sure he really regrets leaving.
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