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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Of course not. But to say we have had a settled team, ready to go, for a dozen games is just stupid. We are trying to get another striker in. We are playing well. Our defence is solid. We are defying every pundits pre season prediction. Let's just wait and see shall we. Formations and tactics are still evolving. It's VERY early days.
  2. Well earned point. No room whatsoever for criticism of this result. Same results yoy; better than last year already. Onwards and upwards. COYB
  3. The empire doesn't exist any more. The name of the medal is just that, a name. He contradicts himself in that very paragraph.
  4. There is more slavery in black, arab and asian nations than anywhere now. Perhaps he can go and make a real statement and campaign to work against slavery where it is actually still an issue, rather than a pathetic weak gesture like this.
  5. What's the news on Reckord injury? I've not read anything.
  6. Agreed. I'm sure Robinson will be aiming for top 10 as a minimum, even if he ultimately falls a little short. He seems ambitious and confident in his own ability.
  7. It isn't about a honeymoon period for me. I just think the guy is looking and sounding like he has a clue so in the long run I think he will do well. Normal service in terms of expectations? Wasn't that just survival 3 weeks ago? If he achieves top half this season then I would ne satisfied. I do hope people wont get on his back if mid table is where we end up given our last 7 seasons are 17, 18, 16, 19, 15, 15, 17. I agree about a striker though.
  8. Impresses me more and more each time I hear him. Early days, but we have got a good one here I think.
  9. What an angry old/young man you are. I missed "my". Apologies. PS. I'm a :censored:ing genius and was a child prodigy at everything.
  10. The only person with a short temper in here is you sweetheart. You cried bull:censored: and jumped on a post by someone else (not me) All I did was say it was obvious we weren't heading for bankruptcy.... which we weren't. I'm not spinning anything, far from it, I take things at face value and comment based on that until I see evidence to the contrary. Its the doom merchants that have been spinning like crazy since the end of last season, with hearsay, lies and half truths. And with that I'm done with this brain dead thread (that rhymes)
  11. But it was obvious we weren't on the verge of bankruptcy as Sheridan had agreed a longer deal and was ready to go, he obviously just didn't like the plan that Corney favoured for clearing the decks and of course was offered more money. The real killer in this - Sheridan went for more money - and I don't blame him.
  12. So you say its bull:censored: and then repeat that he eventually left for a job with his mate for more money.... I'm glad we let most of the squad leave. There was maybe one or two I would have liked to have kept. I'm amazed that people here thought ANY of last years squad were indispensable The point being made was that he didn't leave because we were days from bankruptcy as was peddled by many at the time. THAT was bull:censored:.
  13. Which was obvious to anyone with half a brain at the time.
  14. You cant understand it because it makes no sense. I suspect its just an excuse for a lazy supporter that doesn't actually think football is worth it any more... which is fine... Just don't spoil it for the rest of us who get behind the team rain or shine, cash or no cash, Corney or Stott.
  15. You are now a fan. Not a supporter. How does your support manifest itself? By not going and bitching about owners? That's not support I'm afraid.
  16. Not even a proper fan. Even if you fall out with the club, you still support the team on the pitch, turn up and cheer them on.
  17. Anything is better than nothing, but as i sit here watching the footy I'm guessing it won't be quite as good as the technological behemoth I am currently looking at in the West Ham stadium. That stadium is impressive as a football stadium. Edit. On second thoughts, those gaps around the pitch do jar a bit
  18. Quite naive that. Results change EVERYTHING in football.
  19. All is not well at Dale. Pre season "play offs" optimism has evaporated. Fans are unhappy with ticket policy and attendances have collapsed even further. Interestingly there a is actually some grumbles starting about Keith Hill too.
  20. It was obvious to me having watched N.Ire that we would be organised and solid. We just need to find that scoring touch. This league can be climbed easily. Onwards and upwards. Touch game next up though. We have def been given a tough start to the season which may stand us in good stead in the long run.
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