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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Brian Clough was talking bollocks, again. blind loyalty / constant blame culture toward one individual.... no difference really.
  2. Does it? You went then? They cant improve? We'll lose every game 3-0? To likely table toppers? Seriously. Stfu.
  3. and it wasn't central London and it was the 18th August. these small things do actually matter.
  4. Have any of you tried the drive south recently? As a regular on that treck I can tell you the motorways are hellish at the moment. A 2 hour jaunt in the train is a farrrrrrrr better plan.
  5. Awell known reddit page called soccer streams has a list of things called streams...?? I obviously have no idea what any of this means or if it is at all useful.... and I have no idea if upcoming games are posted there just before these streams go live. No idea whatsoever.
  6. Yes, but more thought will have gone into our defence. I doubt any thought goes into anything you say, or if it does then its very worrying.
  7. I'm glad we are, the team was very, very poor, or have people for gotten that? I'm only sorry to see the back of ONE player that has left.
  8. yardog73 aka miserable, pessimistic, neg who has an envy problem. seriously, posts like this are :censored:ing weak.
  9. by all accounts a very very good free kick off the bar and over the line. may be a bit harsh to blame the goalkeeper.
  10. but you stated an opinion on the current game (I take it you aren't there) and was told the facts regarding the current game by someone who is there. facts > opinions. the rest of your post is just hedging of bets, so you can say told you so whatever the outcome. anyhow 1-1.
  11. I refer you to my previous answer. This team has been together for how many games is it now?.... oh, its one, this one.... and even now for this final friendly its not the first choice 11. A bit of patience is required.
  12. I don't know yet. they are strangers, like I said. I'll answer you after about 5 or 6 games.
  13. calm down... the players are all but strangers. "A handful of goals all season", what like less than 10? jesus.
  14. So no latics player again? Grimsby not covering it either.
  15. 3 season tickets in the North Stand. Wasn't really an issue for me at all. The 100 club and box holders would be a different story though I would imagine.
  16. Wigan commentary being very complimentary of us. Saying we re playing some good stuff.
  17. That protest group is an absolute circus, lead by a bunch of clowns. Zero credibility and they represent the views of almost nobody. The vast majority are intrigued at how this current experiment will turn out and are behind the whole club right now.
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