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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. That protest group is an absolute circus, lead by a bunch of clowns. Zero credibility and they represent the views of almost nobody. The vast majority are intrigued at how this current experiment will turn out and are behind the whole club right now.
  2. Pre season odds based primarily (only) on previous season performance are meaningless in the lower leagues these days. Lots of teams start the new season with a whole raft of new players.
  3. Great today. Will be a fans favourite methinks.
  4. Idiots. Blimey they are thick. Hopefully they get arrested when they try to spoil someone's event at OEC. Do these pillocks understand what a private limited company is?
  5. Surprised you didn't mention Klok. Thought he was very good. Flynn, very tidy and Reckford great. Some of Croft's footwork was sublime.
  6. 1st half summary. Organised, pressing. Klok is brilliant. ☺
  7. Some people still claim loudly that the earth is flat, I've seen them protesting it in that there London many times... moronic though that is. This protest is badly timed, pointless and their banner is factually incorrect.
  8. Its not all doom and gloom either. Cheer up.
  9. More great news. A week is a long time in football. The protest group will be floundering... Seriously, how are the protest group feeling about the last few days? I'm genuinely interested.
  10. It was a press conference to introduce a manager.... What were people expecting? If journo's ask :censored: questions that's not anyone's fault is it? Lets be positive about the fact that he is positive. He actually helped the journos by giving better answers than the questions deserved. I like the fella so far.
  11. Jesus. People here moan about absolutely everything.
  12. The boycotters should like it. It is the future of the club that is safeguarded by aiming for break even. ALL clubs should be striving for it. But then, the boycotters aren't very bright from what I have heard and read from them.
  13. Bozman's post seems very plausible to me too and frankly I'd be very happy with Corney wanting a break even situation and O'Driscoll running that budget. Makes perfect sense.
  14. Onwards and upwards. Can the negs give the guy a chance and get behind him please.
  15. No offense to you but I am sick to death of crap posts like this. What a load of made up garbage by your acquaintance.
  16. People comparing this man to kelly are being ridiculous. Im quite happy with the team management set up going in to the new season. Just the small task if getting some decent players in now of course. ?
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