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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. Id say 20% on a forum with a fetish for kicking corney at every opportunity is pretty low actually.
  2. One of our own.... Deary me. Unless of course you are from Leeds or Stretford?
  3. Actually it does because if he behaved like that he would probably be banned from acting as a director.
  4. Literary style. That's very generous of you.
  5. He would be breaking employment law and doubtless many company laws, which would be illegal. Would he then wind the company up and abandon his assets too? Clueless. Oh, and its fulfil not full fill.
  6. And I still don't think you know what it means or entails. "Cuckoo"!
  7. Really? I doubt you even fully understand the process.
  8. Im also one of those smug twats you referred to. Get a better job... perhaps you can join me.
  9. Yeah. Sheridan loves the club and fans, hasn't done anything wrong. Nothing. He's a saint. It isn't so much defending Corney as stating the facts and truth as it stands and that are known. You come from the camp of Corney can do nothing right and everything is his fault. You aren't worth hearing if that's your starting point in everything.
  10. Yep. That post should be compulsory reading. People really are blinded by bias and prejudice (and stupidity). No credit for bringing Sheridan here, but all the blame for him leaving. Idiotic.
  11. Get a grip. Lets see who we get as manager shall we. Corney did get Sheridan in you know...
  12. But he was just a spin doctor peddling a fairy tale..... Hang on.... Get him in!
  13. Can people stop just making :censored: up to suit there agenda. Deal with what we KNOW. From what we KNOW, Sheridan is a bull:censored:ter.
  14. Bingo. But logic has no place here. Be off with you.
  15. The only way would be via administration. Then we could all chip in and own a club that would be able to sustain itself somewhere in the lower reaches of the pyramid.
  16. Who is mocking? But to answer your question, no. This 'sack the owner' is stupid. As pointed out in a few posts already.
  17. Everything is for sale at the right price.
  18. You cant, its a private limited company. But lets not spoil their fun.
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