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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. I didn't hear that either. I'm in the North nearer to the Rochdale Rd end. Where was it coming from?
  2. Did ok. But obviously didn't want to shoot with his right foot when he was clear through second half.
  3. Actually.... I just remembered Jones. Shocking today. He really plays like he doesn't want to be here these days. He was actively avoiding play early on, constantly leaving space on their left... and he look knackered after 15!
  4. Been saying it for weeks on here. He is certainly no captain. But worse he simply cannot pass the ball. Every forward ball was over hit and can't remember one that found a blue shirt. Awful!. Put your tin hat by the way, you aren't allowed to have a go at Kelly on here.
  5. Sick to death of Kelly. He is no captain. Only Holloway can hold his head high after that. Ref was a dick. Dale are a cynical bunch of players. Hill is a pillock.
  6. I didnt realise we were just comparing the Rochdale Road end? We shall have to agree to disagree. I think Spotland is a dump. I live relatively close to it, attend many game and I've even sponsored a game there so I am fully versed with their facilities. Sticky carpets, stained walls et al. To say their lounge is vastly superior to what we will CLEARLY have in the new stand soon is bollocks.
  7. Mathday facilities put ours to shame? Thats just not true and once we are fully up and running it will be night and day.
  8. A ground that is frankly horribly positioned, pretty ugly/basic and impossible to develop due to the fact it is locked in. (the newest stand looks like a corrugated bus shelter and they have the sandy lane which is virtually derelict and zero room around the stadium). They aren't dong that good of a job considering local people don't want to go, attendances are dire and getting worse. They aren't that well run, they have just had a very good manager that seems to work for them. If he leaves and it all collapses that 500k debt might look a bit ugly. You might argue we aren't much different, there is a huge gulf in potential though. Bottom line is that you are comparing apples and oranges.
  9. All 3 brilliant again. Holloway, nice touches, linking. Main never stopped. Palmer head and shoulders our best player. Having said that.. . dreading Saturday.
  10. First two replies sum it up well. Did we expect to go another 13 games unbeaten? 1 defeat in 8. Repeat that last 8 results again and we will probably be fine. Other teams are in worse positions than us with their teams current mental strength.
  11. I dont think you have been reading my posts properly.
  12. ok tough guy. i bow to your brains and wit.
  13. Most obvious and pointless thread evahhhh If he had played we would have likely still lost today. On to Tuesday and hoping for a fresh and up for it Kelly. Hindsight is an exact science.
  14. Me neither, I just wish he could hit a fellow latic 50% of the time.
  15. Latics 13 points from last 30 Blackpool 7 points from last 30 Donny 2 points from last 30 Crewe 9 Points from last 30 We stay up dont we?
  16. Donny now have 2 points from the last 30 Blackpool have 7 points ffom the last 30 Latics have 13 points from the last 30 If that all repeats ove the next 10 we stay up... simple.
  17. No Harm done. 9 of the bottom 10 lost with Colchester (already gone imo) drawing. So its as we were and on to a very big night on Tuesday.
  18. Correct, yes it is a very important single dimension. Still doesnt make him a world beater, just (as i have already said) the only one in our clun who can do it. Not sure why thats hard to understand. Are you actually in New Zealand? Perhaps he just looks (sounds) good from 12000 miles away.
  19. I dont think anyone thinks he is :censored:. They may, as I do, think he is overrated and one dimensional. The fact that nobody else in our club can do his job doesnt make him a world beater, just the best we have in that role. He cant pass very well, if you think he can then fine. His style of play will be invaluable in the next two home games though, thats for sure.
  20. Fleetwood, Donny and Pool losing too at the moment.
  21. whoever is supposed to be filling the hole left by Kelly... isn't.
  22. Happy with that side. Kelly needed a 'rest'. I certainly needed a rest from Kelly.
  23. Doncaster getting battered. They are in real freefall, no idea why some people here think they will magically get out of such a horrible, horrible slump. (have I just jinxed it?)
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