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Everything posted by ritchie82

  1. When he told my gran he'd been guts deep into the viet cong mob she thought he meant with his weapon, and in his own way so did he. Welcome back Granddad, I'm still not getting a season ticket though as I wanted David Platt or Jason Wilcox.
  2. My Granddad went 'on holiday' 12 years ago, could this be his return? I'd kinda guessed he'd died of the aids he picked up in 'nam but my heart is filled with hope.
  3. Looks like he is happy being mid table / relegation zone in division 4, fair play to him.
  4. He might be getting some boozing practise in so he doesn't look a lightweight on the 'teambonding' sessions he will be bringing back ala Shez. If its Crossley it really is a step down. We've basically hired the goalkeeping coach of a division 4 side who's manager we sacked. Can't have gone so low can we? Very sad. I'm not sure playing for Brian Clough should be enough to get you a managers job without some decent track record. I hear David Platt is due back from Benidorm at some point today.
  5. No its bollocks as with such proof on the part of the club it would have come out by now. I am sure BB80 will quote himself to back up his claim though.
  6. You sure? Allott was like Messi compared to some of the gash in that team.
  7. Lolly Badcock, Iain Dowie or Frankie Bunn for me if Gannon has knocked us back.
  8. Notts County have Lee Hughes up front so please forget them as finishing below us at present.
  9. If, and its a big if, Gregan can be similar to this season (can't see him being as good at his age) and Taylor, Smalley and Abbott can avoid injury then we will be nice and safe. We could do with the Taylor of a couple of years ago stepping up to the plate. If this doesn't happen and we miss these players for decent chunks of the season then we are going down.
  10. Not getting a season ticket this year but £40 will be going on us getting relegated, reckon that will cover a season ticket in division 4 for 2011/12 season.
  11. Butt was due for an interview on Monday and didn't arrive, if its him its a miracle.
  12. You can't say that, he died early in his life which therefore makes anything he did 10 times better than it actaully was and a club legend, thems the rules. Think Branston was worse though, Ernie was gash but he tried, Branston was just gash.
  13. Scholes and :censored: with Butt as back up. I see :censored: as the next Stevie G, it would probably be Fabio's prefered pairing for the Euro 2012 if Scholes lets it happen.
  14. Wayne Gill, Ernie Cooksey and Guy Branston. Not once ounce of ability in them three and not much hair either.
  15. I think it's sadder that you bothered checking.
  16. The offical states 10 and I don't believe Grey has been up to the talking point so unless they have been on two sites or done some last week others could be involved.
  17. Alan Smith told Leeds fans he wouldn't go to Man Utd but when a bigger club comes calling its hard to say no.
  18. Gannon, Scott Murray, Frankie Bunn, Paul Dickov and Crossley all came back for their second interviews yesterday having all been up there on Monday. Thats your shortlist folks unless other interviews have gone on elsewhere. Gannon if not Dickov for me. Bollocks to Bunn he's a legend and I can't be arsed slagging him off as I did at one point with Ritchie.
  19. Eh? I don't speak internet geek, a bit of german but not enough to get by. Ah its Latin, tika boo.
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