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Everything posted by ritchie82

  1. I need to claw back some credit otherwise I fear another banning.
  2. Hope not at home unless he can get the wingers to turn it to 4-3-3 when we have the ball. Smalley and Taylor should be able to do this as would Guy.
  3. I've got your PM but I fear we are on different wavelengths . Go about your day and never speak of our conversation.
  4. Myself, Lee Sinnott and razza699 are going to head to the match on route to a little bonding session on the Isle of Wight. If your the type of guy who can keep a secret and knows how to handle a either a spanner or a deep fat fryer then you can come. PM me for details as Omar and Earl only have so many beds.
  5. On the day I have found out Sir Lenny Henry and Dawn French have split up I find all this talk of Richie Wellens hat a little hard to take. Even from someone as pretty as Lags er sorry Latics Luvly. Can someone please explain to me how the funniest couple ever have come to such a sad end? Lenny is the king of cheap hotel adverts and an all round top lad, gutted. I fear I may need a trip to the ticket office to cheer me up.
  6. You sure? I know two navy types out there who know how to treat a lady, or man. Jolly good time boys who know to keep their mouths shut. I sail by night to avoid the embarresemt of overactive anal glads and drink only to forget. PM me for more details and I will confirm with Omar and Earl that we'll crash at theirs.
  7. I think we can judge if its interesting when the 'stuff' is published Lagsy my owd cocker spaniel. In fact I bagsy being the sole judge on if its interesting. I once had a chat with Mr. Hankey, he didn't half talk some sh*t but the film was a bit hit in Japan.
  8. I feel a bigger mystery is who shot Monty Burns. I am still waiting for BBC2 to show the episode that reveals all.
  9. I've been informed that Dean Brill has had his account stopped and therefore won't be able to comment. I hope this puts your mind to rest at such a difficult time. I once had a poster that said 'Take Me 2 Your Dealer' with an alien on it, how sad but drugs were in back then not all this plant food nonsense. Anyone else had a poster that they regret or would like to explain?
  10. Barry is part of an ancient clan of Barry's. These include messers Chuckle, McGuigan and Evans. I believe they are attempting to recruit a gang of socially excluded roughyun's to take over the club. Drew and his crew are only small fry. You can see this as in the main groups Barry Chuckle has insisted that on an all ginger policy as well as the current ASBO entry system. I believe this is down to strong religious beliefs in the Chuckle household and they cannot change their ways. Once Owen has recruit a mob massive enough, rumours are suggesting as many as 29, then they will storm the club and seize power. Barry Evans will immediately be installed as manager, Barry White will be played before, during and after all 1st team and under 12 games, Barry Venison will be physio and stylist whilst Barry Island will be the ultimate destination for our new stadium. Apparently the ambitious plans include a 3,000 seater stadium to be opened by a Barry Manilow tribute band (with brass band backing). The whole thing is to be MC'd by Barry Fryer and could be in place by 2012. This is all hush hush at the moment but my contact, Barry Horne, is pretty touch tight with Owen and he reckons its a goer. With people like Drew pulling the strings and providing both brawn and brains I think it could come off.
  11. I was deeply offended by that until I realised I miss read one of the words. Besides the offence I was going to state I've never tried typing with one hand, honest. Not a massive fan of fishing but love a bit of Salmon. Mind I'm not a massive fan of golf but I like cabbage, strange old world.
  12. I know a man who sells cloth on Tommyfield market. He once met Zoe Ball in a lift but didn't let on to her. PM me if you want his fax number.
  13. Still venting personal issues on a football message board. Seems pretty sad, sad to me.
  14. I like you Lee Sinnott, I'm not sure your the real Lee Sinnott based on your photo, but I like you.
  15. a) Donna on Nan b ) I was saving some for tea and its from last night but yes, yes you can.
  16. Good news IMO, the more goal scorers we can get on the pitch the better.
  17. I think Parker has had mental issues whilst at Boundary Park. My sources tell me that he can't settle due to Danny Whittaker's uncanny resemblance to Jade Goody. Sad really as I rated him whilst at Blackpool. Do you think he could be the man to replace Gregan at the back or perhaps even Alan Hardy?
  18. I only ever happy slap and do the occasional seagulling so that rules me out too, although I have known a Tracy once but she was a junkie from Dundee. I do hope footy68 was being funny when he or she said they had a grip, a grip on reality as it seems to me they were drunk and venting their frustrations on a message board at 2.30am. Seems pretty sad, sad to me.
  19. If Sly Stallone is going to come all the way over here and invest some of his money he is going to want more than a loan signing. Dear me, some people.
  20. I feel the catalyst will be the asbo squads march over the weekend. All 12 of them hanging round the civic car park on Saturday has caused such a reaction that I can feel a 'backs to the wall' mentality coming round. Lets prove those lads and their parents (who I presume dropped them off and may have even followed their march in the car just in case it rained, anyway I digress) that we aren't 'rubbish' or 'plop' and give these die hard fans something to tell their grandkids about. I truly believe that this group of down on their luck tykes could really have unlocked the key to Dave Penny's attacking heart. I believe Dave will want to produce the goods in fear of reprisals from the angry, grumpy and hormonal mob.
  21. Who is Haribo Tangtastics and is he a Latics fan? Cool name.
  22. Its Barca v Arsenal on the box people, don't waste your petrol and dole money on that blue shower. Watch some proper football for a change.
  23. Ticks all the boxes for me, massive, black, looks like he will be fast but isn't, can't finish and has a funny name.
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