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Everything posted by ritchie82

  1. Yeah I suppose, who did we sign him from? Ashwell Prison FC, big bucks.
  2. I had two sources the people paying and err oh yeah, Lee Hughes.
  3. Didn't we end up having to pay around 100k for Porter about 4 years back? That was set be a panel. I am pretty sure they'd have valued Eardley at more than 300k. Would have been nice to play hard ball if, and its a big if, we were not desperate for the money.
  4. He'll also have two or three men on him unlike Eardley would have yards of space as he came from deep. When Rick Holden played we had good players all over the park so it simply wasn't a case of three men on him. Taylor has many great points to his game, crossing on his left peg isn't one of them (yet) but as he is playing on the 'wrong side' being a right footer I am guessing thats not what the gaffer wants from him anyway.
  5. So our right hand side contributed our most assists (again) while our star man was double marked on the left hand side. Can you see a connection there? I would also suggest at times Taylor was jumped on by 3 players when we played at home.
  6. What a stupid comment, your saying that like its a bad thing. If Martin Petrov swap City for Stockport County I am pretty sure we could snuff him out of the game with two man markers. It would leave space for Leeds' 9 other very good outfield players. Our problem is we have a team who are on the majority :censored:e so we don't jump on this. The only time I can think was when Smalley hammered County at home as all their plans concentrated on Taylor. I am pretty sure teams need to double up on a fair few of Leeds' players but the oppo can only have 11 players. Taylor would be a big hit at Leeds.
  7. Are we still losing that much though? We are playing with a vastly reduced budget this season so I can't see how the losses would be the same.
  8. What with Dale flying high in 18th there is no way they will change things round. "Can we loan Dale Stephens, looked a prospect at Bury" "Yeah no worries, he'll get a game won't he?" "Christ no, Jonesy is a cult figure so I can't drop him and Kennedy is great division 4 player." "Oh bollocks to it, go on then"
  9. I'm not sure his rep is as bad an Lee Hughes' was at the time and he was much sought after. Probably end up at Blackpool.
  10. Come on people this is serious. Can someone get onto Simon Corney and find out if indeed, as I have heard is true, we are not going to have floodlights at the new ground instead to save money we are going to burn bibles for lighting.
  11. I would imagine Alan has better things to do then respond to every pointless rumour. I'd rather he was earning his wages doing something positive. Shall we email him about the 3 sided stadium? We need answers.
  12. I'd have him at Latics, great replacement for Hughes. Too much cash for us though I would think.
  13. I can't believe someone has wasted a club officials time with such a stupid question.
  14. Great idea, a change of name would have them all flocking in. Who cares if we are still :censored:e if we are called Oldham Rocksters, its all about the name.
  15. I think that would suggest that they haven't made a bid. I'm pretty sure Bolton could afford pretty much any 4th division player if they wanted him. (Notts County aside)
  16. Dear me some people are thick. If we finish 10th in our league and Blackpool finish 12th in the Champ does that mean we have had a better season?
  17. If England can be 150/175 ahead after that bat again I can see us ripping through them on a dust bowl of a wicket. It already looked like a day three pitch yesterday. Flintoff and Harmison are going to smash the track to bits.
  18. Unless they are planning on putting all the football pitches, sports hall and carpark on top of each other they will need more space than BP has got.
  19. You don't get it, its best to praise the football of our underling neighbours than comment on the stuff we play. ickle old dale and all that. Just don't mention that they are :censored:e. No way would we send Stephens to Rochdale if their centre mid was a closed shop.
  20. More of a threat than Lewi and O'Grady, keep him.
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