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Everything posted by ritchie82

  1. Staff vs Fans eh? If I have a winning bid can I be expecting to 'come up against' the temptress from the ticket office? I would imagine she'd have a better chest trap than Super Sean McCarthy.
  2. No, Johnson had a great game that day, serious. Probably why they signed him in the end. One man team going forward that day.
  3. If she was my wife's sister daughter I'd still be bathing her at 20 year old
  4. Yes, yes I was there. The away end. I remember Jermaine Johnson was class that day.
  5. It looks to me that they want him to move and he doesn't. When the riot police ask me to move I move, he didn't and got pushed out of the way. Its not like he was co-operating with them. Shame he died but the police felt he needed to be moved and moved him. If he had removed himself maybe he would still be here but he played silly beggers with the riot police, not wise in the middle of a mass riot. He got up quite quickly, no need for the police to check on his welfare seen as they were in the middle of a riot and it was hardly an accident, they wanted him out of the way. Perhaps if they showed more of this aggresion the knob heads who rioted would think again about doing it.
  6. To be fair we all know Bob loves unfair and over the top punishment/retaliation. As said he was winding them up and thinking he was funny. We do not know what is actions before the footage and if you get in the way of a line of riot police on purpose your either going to get nicked, whacked or pushed out the road. Shame for him but there you go. I'm not an expert but I'm guessing he had a heart problem, maybe he shouldn't have been in the middle of a riot.
  7. I was thinking the mental special needs, you know spastic, mongoloid etc not people with walking problems and the like.
  8. Seems you do have special needs, struggling with the vocab to avoid swearing, very good. Royle is a legend for what he has done, nothing can spoil that. Derek you sad owd man I am one of the younger fans and Royle will be a god even if he doesn't manage to get us up as I'm not sure anyone could with our squad and set up.
  9. Derek you old dope, Man Utd fans don't remember George Best as an unrelliable drunk do they? Brian Clough as a bumbling wreck at Forrest? These were the last actions at those clubs but people respect the bigger picture. I am 27 and know that Goram was class when he played for us even though I didn't see him. I just laugh at the one time I saw him. Unless you have special needs you will know that Royle is a legend here whatever he does.
  10. Gregan will be staying judging from what Joe is saying in tonights chron.
  11. Wadsworth did mention to the club when we started selling them that he knew where he could get some little Thai boys who'll do anything and come very cheap. As of yet the club haven't taken up his offer.
  12. Are they parking on a car park / road where your allowed to park? Just asking like coz if they aren't then I'm glad they are getting a ticket.
  13. The little fat kid down the road could be mine, the glory hunter not mine. Thanks for your gash post though xxx
  14. True dat guy . Park on a car park not an access road and you would be fine. Stop smoking weed and get the fine paid you big dope.
  15. He might be up front yet, lets not be too hasty. Him and special needs offof Soccer AM with Lewis in 'the hole' could just work. God damm Joe Royle is a genius. They won't see that coming.
  16. I was wondering that, would Royle try someone so young? Would be worth a subs place in the last 2 or 3 games.
  17. What about the special needsy lad who scored on Soccer AM? He'd be a better bet than The Wolf.
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