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Everything posted by ritchie82

  1. 11 good old 'uns will beat 11 :censored: 26 year olds who are in their prime is the point I'm making. If we sign the best player in their position does it matter if they are technically in their prime? Eyres and Sheridan did ok. I think that fact that I'd said Gregan was still the best centre half in the league at the time despite not being signed in 'his prime' was a better example. For a 3rd division club to only want to sign players aged between 25 & 30 is laughable. I'd love us to sign Steve Howard even though he is frightfully old. JP Kalla, John Thompson and Michael Clegg were all signed in their prime. Mint.
  2. Good player in 'real life' as well. Powerful and fast, would be a decent signing perm or on loan.
  3. Gregan was the best centre half in the league when we signed him whatever his age. If we sign the best centre half during the summer who happens to be 31 then great. Or should we be looking at players not as good but who are 'in there prime'? It could be argued that Allott has been at his best since his second spell and you've stated he was signed over the age you want. Age doesn't matter, ability does. I hope we don't sign Scholes he's not in his prime I promise you Calvin Zola in 'his prime' will not be better than Steve Howard in 'his 40's'
  4. "Not sure", I am. A defender as good as Gregan but aged 26 would be far too expensive for us. At the time we signed him I feel Gregan was the best in the league. If he was aged 26 he would have been way out of our price range. I'm not sure Allott and Maher type players are that rare so yeah we could gamble on younger players. Lids is gone and won't be on the wages he was signed on anyway IMO.
  5. Would love Kelvin Etuhu, quality youngster worth spending a bit on I would think.
  6. I'm sorry for the language guys. I'm sorry for offending the fat lads as well. Keep the faith we'll reach the play offs easily now our goalscorer has gone. Afterall our defence is water tight.
  7. Who the are you to tell me what to post? I was adding my point of them giving up alongside the comment about Hughes being needed if they are indeed serious on getting top 6. Drop him yes, send him to Blackpool no. If your bored of my posts don't read them. FYI my posts are usually about the ticket office staffs norks/cans/milkers and are great my tubby friend
  8. Are we supposed to believe that Royle thought Hughes was so :censored:e in 2 games that he wouldn't have made the bench during our push for the play offs? Bollocks. They have given up, so have I the seasons over.
  9. Your right, lets stick with Lewis and Wolfy upfront and not bring anyone else in.
  10. The problem is isn't that the market we will be in though?
  11. We've given up, I suggest you do the same and save yourself the heartache. Lets enjoy watching the youngsters and hopefully look forward to watch a Joe Royle team next season.
  12. Have it on very good authority that we tried for Akinfenwa yesterday, what you think? Worth going back for in the summer? Thought he was older than 26, might be the unit up front we need.
  13. This is bizarre. If he doesn't go today then he's basically been dropped for no real reason. The fact that he probably won't be here next year could be said for a fair few of that squad. As someone who pays to watch the team I want to see the best players availiable playing and Hughes is our best striker.
  14. Not being funny but Prince2 won't make a massive difference. We got to do that course for free with OMBC and its hardly had people beating down my door since.
  15. So am I, Latics have been gash for 10 years!
  16. Even though he went for the Huddersfield job and didn't even get a response? Are they not in the same league as us?
  17. I don't give a toss if Royle loses some of his magic by staying on next season in league one, thats the past. Does it matter for the future of Oldham Athletic if Joe Royle has his first spell with us tarnished? Not at all, its a gamble well worth taking for both parties. All I care about is 'is Joe Royle the best man to get us up next season?' I think he is. Would we be able to attract a manager who has won the FA cup, been to a league cup final, FA semis, won promotions, won leagues, has contacts all over the country and managed in Europe? No, we'd end up with someone who hasn't really done anything anywhere near as impressive ala Moore, Sheridan and Talbot.
  18. I think Ronnie is right in some ways. Saturday was a big day for the club but as soon as I got in the ground I thought it was all very sad. Playing the radio commentry on the Sheff Weds game, people in their old kits etc. Joe didn't want it and I thought it was not needed and more than a bit lame and I think thats why the atmosphere died for the early part of the game. We should be focussing on the future not the early 1990's over the next 8 games. However Ronnie said we were in the past before this game and as a rule I don't think we are. I think we expect to go up or be very close not because we have been in the prem before but because we can see how :censored: the teams in this league are and with a bit more nouse and bottle we'd be well on our way to promotion or already have been promoted. Thats why we get rid of managers who are almost men like Moore and Sheridan, almost got us up and are almost decent managers but they are not and they didn't. All a bit sensible for me I know but I can't mention the ticket office woman's bristols in every post can I?
  19. Does this mean we are not allowed to discuss the cans, or norks as some prefer, of the ticket office women? Gutted.
  20. young player of the year - smalley player of the year - taylor goal of the season - allott at hudds
  21. Defo sang Big Fat Joe's Blue and White Army back in the day
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