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Everything posted by ritchie82

  1. The trust should back TTA. If they are sure we will be in safe hands then the Trust should be sure. I have heard a rumour it could well be The Raja Bros who are interested.
  2. Or perhaps you are the only person who thinks I was laughing at someone getting cancer? Now go and finish your homework before Hollyoakes starts Ryan
  3. Mine last night was Latics related. It involved a cucumber and the woman at the ticket office with the nice norks. I won't go on as Razza might moan about my 'armless banter.
  4. I'm coming into Oldham from Mossley and picking 2 up from Saddleworth seems Royle fever isn't only in Oldham!
  5. Like Ernie but with footballing talent to get us out of this league lets hope so!
  6. First my pace leaves me, then my hair, now my boyfriend err gaffer has gone what next?
  7. Who laughed chunky chops? I have tennis elbow so I would never mock an elbow injury. As for laughing at someone getting cancer, Razza you should be ashamed of yourself.
  8. No Allott isn't as big a fan as Taylor. I can imagine (when I'm not thinking about the set of norks that work at the ticket office) Taylor in the bathroom crying with a mix of excitment and frustration that Royle was coming in as manager whilst spanking his monkey into the sink.
  9. Can we get back on track here please people (and owl). Anyone been down today? Are the outhere brothers still on display?
  10. Does it? How sad. It makes me cream my pants when people put weather when they should put whether.
  11. Can't the inspiral carpets or twisted wheel give us a few tunes?
  12. As you have asked me for her name Bob I think perhaps you could do with a cold shower. I'm not telling!
  13. If she's? You mean they as good, no? I'd just bring your w**k bank and leave the porridge gun until bath time.
  14. Just checked her norks out on Facebook, it doesn't do her justice.
  15. The more and more and more and more and more I think about them, I think your right. Older lady but still pretty decent in a dirty way with baps of an 18 year old Russian waitress so I'd say there has been a bit of very good work done.
  16. They'd bring a tear to your Japs eye, a simply stunning example of pre 1970's made cleavage.
  17. I have been informed Judith is not the temptrest i was speaking of. I'm going back down there, her milkers bring all the boys to the park....
  18. Judith eh? If your reading this Judith I'm sure they are two of the reasons Big Joe came back well done girl
  19. Some of the cubbier members on this board seem a bit upset by my comments. It seems the bigger boned members feel I was laughing at Gary Kellys arm (or lack of). It was a bit of 'armless fun to suggest that keepers we have had recently are so bad a one armed or disabled keeper would be considerd. I love Gary Kelly and I hate Cancer.
  20. Calm down Tubby. I'm glad you found the humour but I didn't mention Cancer never mind laugh at it. It was just a bit of 'armless banter
  21. went down for tickets for the Tranmere game. 2 points of interest: 1) The woman at the office has cracking cans. I mean now the sun is out she clearly wants to give them an airing. 2) Big JP was back down from Grimsby, any thing in that? He drives a Corsa poor sod.
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