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Everything posted by ritchie82

  1. I would imagine he would have been knocking one out after hearing the news
  2. God it was a joke, there is no way I'd want a disabled in net ahead of Beresford.
  3. Marlon Beresford? More chance of seeing a one armed Gary Kelly in the sticks.
  4. We will, pulled the Bovis shirt out last night. 5 of us will be there who wouldn't have been if 'Shez' was still in charge.
  5. Because he is dead. I thought he was average to say the least.
  6. That'll teach 'um! Esspecially when they are playing in the Championship next year. I know which club is going in the right direction to be making some positive history over the next few years.
  7. How would it? It wouldn't be seen as down to him if we finish out side of the play offs, its Shez's team and Shez has put us into a position were the playoffs are looking an outside bet (players are also to blame) and the dressing room is split. If we get to the play offs or even get promoted then all the praise would be on Joe, I don't think he can lose.
  8. If Royle came back and we went up he'd be even more of a hero. If he came in and we didn't make the play offs lets face it it would still be seen as Shez's fault. Unless we can get Jim Gannon straight away then I'd go for Big Joe on a temporary basis and see how he goes.
  9. Get rid of 'Shez' and 'Deano' then go for promotion and deal with Gregan and Hughes in the summer.
  10. With the results we are getting Shez will be gone by the end of the week. We need Gregan and Hughes to stand any chance of going up so they won't go. Sheridan will take the blame as its his job to make them tow the line. I can't believe that a man who has played in 2 world cups is given so little respect by divison 3 players. I suppose that says alot about the man.
  11. It stinks and its far smaller than it was, get a new one.
  12. If the club accept it and move on then he's ok by me, it has certainly put more pressure on him to deliver the goods. What he told the journo may have been for his ears only and ITV thought it was too good to miss out on. I presume if you would have asked Whittaker / Davies / O'Grady / Maher (early on in season) about not being on the bench on a confidential basis you would have got a similar level on bitterness. Not heard the interview and don't think he is good enough but if the club accept it then I would hope we don't end up booing one of our own players, especially not when Liddell is still here and not getting booed (joke).
  13. What a load of nonsense, the club will be paying him a good few grand a week not sure the owners will be that daft to give it to any charity.
  14. Because it was a football game and they had been banging on about the pink kit more than enough.
  15. He needs to be on the bench IMO. You know he will raise his game infront of the cameras and 20 mins against tired legs could just help us out.
  16. Also I'm not sure Gary Kelly is going to be able to play in goal's with his illness and following surgery. As for the Cooksey selection, anyone want to fill him in?
  17. Where do you get the facepacks from? Had a quick look and can't find any on the internet
  18. Too old, too fat, too slow and too good for little Oldham. Well 3 out of 4 isn't bad, f**k off back to Hull tubby c**t.
  19. Yeah lets stay mid table forever and not get to taste the excitment of promotion or even the excitement of a succesful relegation battle (remember Bradford at home a few years ago?). Scunthorpe, Blackpool and Barnsley bet their fans wished they had stayed in league 1 and not pushed for bigger and better.
  20. I just think that if Shez is to go in the next week or two big Joe would get the place buzzing again on a stricly short term basis. A positive manager putting an arm around players and getting the crowd back on side can work wonders for a couple of months. Plus would give TTA time to find a suitable replacement. I would be worried about his knowledge in the transfer market but the windows shut so it would be all about man management and tactics.
  21. No motivation and no tactical nouse, good job he's got a good track record in the tranfer market
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