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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. This idea of cheaper tickets for unemployed people has sparked a debate somewhat on the Latics facebook page, and i thought i would see what people on here thought about this idea. At Bury, a normal adult match ticket is £19 - However an adult who is unemployed can get a ticket for just £12... is this wrong? Personally, i think that this is a good initiative which allows those who maybe through no fault of their own are out of work, still afford to get to a game. It may also allow fans who have dropped away from Latics, because of unemployment and lack of money to come back again and may boost the money and attendance. Of Course, it's all if's and but's - but, i think that we should trial this at Latics next season and see how it goes - it might be a smaller solution to a bigger problem, it won't solve it, but it might help. Anyone else?
  2. Both Correct. Was sent off for handing the ball outside the area in the 39th Minute - although, the ball was about 2 or 3 yards inside.
  3. His debut lasted all of 39 minutes before being wrongly sent off... Who is this fella?
  4. My understanding is that the 10 points would be taken NEXT season, if Portsmouth are relegated. If they survive, they'll be taken this season which we effectively force them down.
  5. Claridge likened him to Denis Bergkamp... Er, next...
  6. What? Bouzanis treated the ball like a time bomb today and it was never in his hands for more than two seconds... sadly even causing their goal. There were too many long balls that went straight out for a dead ball at the other end. I agree with you on the whole though, Ball retention and keeping possession is highly important and that message does need to be grasped by some people in the stands - however, with the ball we do have to have some chance creation too - sometimes, we don't see that and end up with hesitancy and ultimately losing the ball through making either a bad choice or silly mistake. Baxter made some good passes today also, picking out croft 9/10 times on the wing, who also seemed to get himself into some very good positions - Baxter, however, tends to be a little greedy at times and when taking a shot (don't get me wrong, i love it when we have shots on goal) should have picked the easier option of squaring it to Croft for an easier shot or cross into the box. His decision making at times needs to sharpen and be less about himself, more about the team. Simpson was also largely ineffective on the wing, yes he won nearly every header that came his way, but chance creation only really came when he moved inside to a more central role - left wing is not for him, Obita played 10 times better when he came on. Credit to Johnson though, he saw, as most of us did, the failings in the system of play and had the balls to change it, i reckon Dickov would have waited longer than that to make subs and it probably would have cost us the game. Good Point lads, let's move forward to Saturday now!
  7. Hasn't he said he would retire at the end of his contract anyway? Although, I think he'll make a comeback somewhere down the line...
  8. Debatable especially considering our cup run that had everyone caught up. Anyway, as for a PL2, they've been debating it ever since the introduction on the premier league 21 years ago and it's not happened yet. The championship has become a richer league and is basically like a PL 2 really, especially with all the former PL teams knocking around. Some even say The Championship is the 6th best league in Europe - not bad really.
  9. Suspect that's just a job to tie him over until the next management offer...
  10. They've cleared all the offices and shop etc because of all the money they owe to the company that owns the stadium. If left within the stadium, the company could have easily taken all the stock as repossesion for the amount of money they owe... Moving the stock has kept some 'capital' with the football club, providing they find somewhere to sell it from. It's a shame really, but another football club who had a stadium built miles too big for them, they may have once been a bigger club but they never needed a stadium that big. Over-ambition seems to be the disease for football clubs at the moment, it can ultimately cause them more damage than good. Stability should be the aim, with steady progression, rather than peaking too soon and having the early plummet to league 1. Latics may be doing something right for once, i hesitate to say...
  11. i think it's too basic to be a full time kit... it'll be a one off like the one we had for Palace in 02/03
  12. Weather has been :censored:e to us this year! However, not confident they'll get it on without Di Canio ringing for Pizza like the other week
  13. Amazing that ErnieFlag is still going.. Still an absolutely brilliant tribute for the lad! Keep up the good work and keep the faith!
  14. I think a lot of people are far too quick to criticise the article here. I agree with it and think that there is a lack of Asian fans at our club, especially considering the towns multicultural population. However, football on the whole suffers the same fate really - whilst other clubs may have more support from the ethnic minorities than Latics, there still isn't a proper representation of the percentage population. Football on the whole and Latics could and should do more to encourage this - ultimately, if we appealed more to Oldhams Asian population, we may see an increace in ticket revenue, merchandising etc. Just a thought, anyway.
  15. Dale and Stockport are both at home... if they survive the weather that is. Scunny is probably the better game!
  16. Deceive them into buying a shirt, believing that it would be worn this season?
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