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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. You're all forgetting the compulsory hard hats incase one of Matt Smith's headers comes your way.
  2. Who can blame him. Not getting a wage here or the chance of getting to the Premierleage, which he did.
  3. Must have a mixed-leaf salad, plain chicken and no dressing
  4. Dowie is a legend, served up the best season i've seen. Was a buzz and alot of excitment until it went tits up in the summer.
  5. They seem to always have chips and garlic bread though - i mean who am i to critise their diet, i eat it every shift i'm in!
  6. They eat Nandos every other week - that's not healthy.
  7. Are they sent out as defensive midfielders or is that how they play on the pitch. Should be a 5 man midfield, with Simpson playing the attacking midfield role and given the freedom.
  8. Keeper shouldn't have reacted like that - Di Canio has a point that it is unprofesional. But that interview is both pathetic and brilliant - he's one passionate :censored:er.
  9. I actually don't use the site at all anymore - bad really.
  10. Let the club die. They'll start their wreckless spending again when out of admin. Then find themselves in trouble 9-12 months down the line. When does it end?
  11. i notice that we scraped a win and we haven't really changed much from the past few games. all in all, i'm still an 'inner'
  12. There won't be any action though, there is no investor out there that seems interested in putting their money into a club that is losing thousands a year. In this current climate they want good facilities and an opportunity to build on something that is threiving. OAFC is not an attractive proposition for anyone at the moment, even if i won the euro millions i don't think i'd put any money in.. probably wouldn't get a thank-you for it anyway.
  13. Hence why it is getting the ball rolling, it's going to take a hell of alot more than those minimal facilities to make the club sustainable.. Might fly to UAE and hand some flyers out to the royal familes.
  14. Personally, i don't think we would either - relegation would ultimatley kill us imho, i've said it in the past - we'd end up being a macclesfield or rochdale with less than 2000 hardcore fans that still turn up. We're going to be stuck in thks division for a few more years at least - providing we don't fall through the trap door.
  15. The new stand is the aim to get the ball rolling in terms of sustainablilty and i guess it makes the club look more attractive to any potential investors. But, i accept your fears of relegation and i believe that it would again halt any progress towards a new stand and the plans would be shelved and ultimatley binned again.
  16. Everyone should be thankful to Simon Corney for keeping us in a position where we are seemingly debt free (apart from money owed to SB and DG) At least we're paying the tax man each month and we're ticking over. He could have sold the club a few years ago to someone who doesn't give one :censored: and we could have ended up like a Portsmouth or even Stockport but credit to him for keeping us in the black. He seems to have been more sensible than ever this year with the budget being massivley cut - however, will it backfire and see us relegated? i hope not - but if that did happen, i'd like to see some considerable investment so we can bouce back rather than fall further. Relegation has been a blessing for some teams and it has given them new life, would it be the same for us?
  17. Probably did, he likes using bad performances to get a responce, yet he probably only get's it 3 times out of 10 - players aren't motivated, partly due to the lack of competition for places, partly due to the manager.
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