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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. Maybe we should do a vote in around December/January time has a few away kits on, they might take some of our ideas then... i'd be happy to make some mock-up's on request if we were actually going to be listened to!
  2. It was done on shirtdesigner2 then edited in photoshop, not come out the best, probably because i saved it as a JPEG. My other kits have come out better, on the other thread
  3. So, everyone seems to be in anticipation of the new home kit, and i'm bored of revising, so, i have created 4 mock up home kits and i thought we could have a vote on which one everyone would prefer! Kit A Kit B Kit C Kit D
  4. That's not too bad - i need to go and ask them about it sometime.
  5. It was tongue in cheek from me, however i would pay £183 if i was guaranteed to get to enough games - they should do a 10 game season ticket for £80-£100, would be alot better!
  6. Thus breaking football league rules of having an all-seater stadium and actually risking a fine from the football league/FA over the issue. (That probably is extreme, however that is the possibility and is why stewards must enforce the rules and make people sit down, unfortunately)
  7. Why should we pay £183 when we payed £50 last year and what would have been £10 this year? Outrage.
  8. It's going to be 30odd 12 year old's marching down from the civic center... fun times at OAFC.
  9. Bring back Alan Hardy, he was the only one who ever took time to answer EVERY email. Legend.
  10. Protest about the Stewards doing their job and enforcing football league Rules? Protest about 3 stands? Protest for the sake of a protest? Why the :censored: do we need a protest? Shez Out.
  11. Sounds like the board are up Gary Jones' arse on the subject them. oh well, :censored: the Dale!
  12. Anyone know how i can use the mobile owtb... used to just come up automatically.. Much Appreciated!
  13. Go back to sleep... one more season at least for PD to try and get a decent enough squad together to get us up there!
  14. Wycombe 1-0 Oldham Oldham 0-0 Preston Bury 0-0 Oldham Oldham 0-1 Carlisle The Two boring nil-nil-er's should see us safely home in the league, just. Roll on league 1 again!
  15. Not Renewing.. voted that ST prices are too high amd will attend 'limited' games - just can't justify paying £183 for a ST when i may work every Saturday OR i may work no Saturdays - it's hard to judge. The Jump from £50-£183 is drastic aswell. Hey Ho, i'll be at some games.. but won't have to freeze my bollocks off at say Swindon at home on a Tuesday night in December!
  16. Rather it be Carbrini, don't want Fila's massive badges all over it!
  17. Looks decent, reminds me of 2004 at first glance!
  18. Probably worth risking it for a tenner haha, am i just being stupid paying 9quid a game?!
  19. Do i just get a letter from my college, or will my college ID/NUS card suffice?
  20. Right, will someone help me out... Do 16-19 year old Students count as a concessionary on matchday prices or will i have to pay adult prices? Thanks in Advance!
  21. Here they are! Not a bad offer for U-16's, shame it was my last year! Will they still do student prices for games, or will i be stuck paying adult prices - don't want to buy a season ticket with no guarantee i will get to enough games for it to work out cheaper, please help
  22. think of Dean Furmans goal of the season, the passing around that was brilliant.. shows PD does know how to manage...
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